European Cat: appearance, character, care, breeding

It is the most common in the West but has North African origins. We are talking about the European cat, which is characterized by a brindle coat and a playful character that sees it suitable for apartment life. Let’s find out everything about this breed.

Recognized by the FIFé in 1982, the European cat is sturdy, strong and is thought to have been introduced to Europe by Phoenician merchants.

Its American counterpart is the American Shorthair, while in Great Britain there is the British Shorthair , which is a short-haired cat with a lively character.

European cat story

‘Short-haired’ is in fact another expression to define the European or Celtic cat.
It is thought that this is the breed that descended directly from the cat ( Felis silvestris lybica or Felis lybica ) of Ancient Egypt.

A real deity, which, it seems, the Phoenicians began to import clandestinely because of their ability to hunt mice.

But it was above all for its good reproductive yield and for a long fertile age , for its gentle and easily adaptable character, that it spread, thanks to the Romans, throughout the continent.

European cat appearance and size

The brindle coat ( tabby ) is what characterizes the European cat the most, even in the collective imagination. The colors range from grey to red, passing through white and black. Females usually have a tricolor coat.

The designs can be of various types. The most common is the mackerel, which is a continuous brindle. But there are also blotched manti , or with a marbled design, and the piebald. Like fingerprints, each design is in fact unique to each specimen.

Muscular body and strong bones, the male European cat does not exceed 6 kg, while the female 4 kg and a half. It has an apparently round and small head.

The eyes are also round but slightly oblique. The color of the iris is varied, but usually very lively: it ranges from blue to green to yellow-orange, and can also be uneven.

The European cat has a particularly sparse undercoat. The tail is broad at the base but tapers at the tip. The ears are set far apart but set well on the head, and may have tufts of hair called ‘tuft ‘.

European cat character

The brindle cat in particular, is characterized by intelligence and cunning, and is an explorer. For some researchers, the type of coat influences the character of the European cat. In fact, the red one is more affectionate and faithful than the grey one.

The latter is characterized by a strong predatory instinct , but it is also curious and playful. Despite his apartment life, his mother teaches him some behaviors that are typical of hunting: such as long waking hours and the ability to jump.

European cat breeding and care

The European cat does not require special care. In fact, it is sufficient to pass a bristle brush on the coat, 1-2 times a week. While for the grey European cat, it is better to use a horsehair brush and chamois glove, because it tends to have a softer coat.

To avoid the onset of diseases such as alopecia, it is better to bathe him from an early age to remove dead hair. During the moulting period, you can also get help from the glove with rubber teeth.

The skin of the European red cat is very delicate, therefore, depending on the length of the hair, a comb can be used. It is good to remember that it is best not to leave it in the sun during very hot days . In addition, he needs to be taken to the vet at least once a year.

Finally, particular attention must be paid to nutrition. Due to its predatory instinct, the European cat in fact needs consistent proteins and fats, while sugars and fibers are to be avoided .

Although it does not want to give up its independence, the European gray cat can be trained . It can in fact obey simple commands and learn to manipulate small mechanisms. To do this, however, requires a lot of commitment and a deep relationship of trust.

European cat price

Generally, the European cat is given as a gift, even on websites specialized in buying and selling. The price for breeding specimens, on the other hand, can vary between 710.25 and 1183.75 USD.

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