Cutaneous lymphoma in cats: what you need to know

Cutaneous lymphoma in cats: what exactly is it? Let’s try to understand together what it is, what are the symptoms with which it manifests itself and its possible cure.

The feline can be subject to more or less serious diseases. Cancer is one of the most serious diseases that can affect him. Lymphoma is a common pathology in the pet dog and is highly life-threatening, just as it is for us humans. This can appear in one or more areas at the same time in the animal. Let’s try to understand what cutaneous lymphoma in cats is and how to intervene.

Cutaneous lymphoma in cats: what it looks like

Feline cutaneous lymphoma represents only a small part of the disease, as it can attack the animal’s tarsus. Let’s read more specifically what we mean by lymphoma and what its characteristics are.

Your cat, like other pets, can face various diseases during its life and some of them can be very serious and difficult to overcome. A malignant tumor, lymphoma, can also develop in the feline. Lymphoma is a very common neoplasm and occurs in animals in different forms.

Lymphoma occurs when there is abnormal production of lymphocytes in the immune system. These are cells found in the lymphatic glands and other organs of the animal: liver, gastrointestinal tract, skin and nervous system. Feline cutaneous-type lymphoma is not necessarily associated with a previous disease affecting the affected area where it occurs.

When the lymphoma is cutaneous, it manifests itself in the hairy through lesions on the surface of the skin, solitary or large-area, which can develop certain symptoms and disorders, such as:

  • Nodules;
  • Ulcers ;
  • Desquamation;
  • Erythema ;
  • Feline alopecia ;
  • Plaques .

Studies on the feline have shown that cutaneous lymphoma mainly affects the tarsal area. In many cases, it has turned out that it is a very fast and violent progressing disease in the animal. Still more studies are needed to analyze and find the best treatment for its survival. Among those possible, we find surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy.

For a feline with cutaneous lymphoma it is recommended that the various skin disorders associated with it be monitored and managed. In this condition, the cat’s diet also plays a fundamental role in the treatment of this serious pathology, as is required, for example, in the case of atopic dermatitis in the feline.

Lymphoma in the feline: types and treatment

The causes of lymphoma in cats are still being studied. However, the various forms of this pathology in animals can be listed. Here are the common lymphomas that we can classify and that can affect any part of your body.

A fairly rare form is multicentric lymphoma. This tumor spreads to various areas of the animal’s body. It is a tumor associated with FeLV or feline leukemia. There is also a tumor that affects the digestive system of the feline: gastrointestinal lymphoma. This lymphoma is the most common in these furry cats and mainly affects adult or elderly cats, up to 9 years of age.

Gastrointestinal lymphoma can present locally, with one or more tumor masses or it can be widespread, with general enlargement of the affected anatomical areas. It should be considered based on the size of the cancer cells.

We find mediastinal lymphoma, a tumor that affects the thymic gland and the lymph glands of the mediastinum. In the cat that suffers from it, it becomes very difficult to breathe and swallow. This lymphoma, on the other hand, affects young cats. It can resolve itself if diagnosed and treated in time.

Finally, there is another common cancer that affects both the skin and other anatomical areas of the feline, extra-nodal lymphoma , which can affect the kidneys and central nervous system. The most delicate area for this pathology is certainly the nasal cavity. Symptoms of this tumor can vary, ranging from a cold in the cat to motor difficulties in the cat. This complex lymphoma can affect cats up to 9 years of age.

Treatment of feline lymphoma

Usually, in the presence of a lymphoma in cats we proceed with chemotherapy, the most chosen therapy. The most important thing to do to help your dog well is to diagnose the tumor immediately, contacting the vet as soon as possible .

However, chemotherapy is tolerated quite well by the cat and consists of four stages to which it can react strongly over time. An excellent therapy can give your cat the opportunity to live an extra year or two, precious time to build memories and to give him the love he needs.

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