Acne in dogs: what to do if your dog has pimples!

Acne is a very common skin condition. It consists of a benign inflammatory process, but which can be annoying. Today we will tell you how to cure it in dogs.

As with people, dogs too, when they reach sexual maturity, begin to undergo a series of hormonal changes, which can lead to acne. This inflammatory process so common in human puberty also exists among dogs, albeit with a lower incidence. In this article, we will tell you what it is and how to treat acne in dogs.

Acne in dogs

Canine acne consists of an inflammatory process characterized by folliculitis and furunculosis, namely, the classic pimples. Mostly it appears on the muzzle of the animal, especially on the chin and lips .

It occurs in young specimens and in short-haired breeds in general. Among the breeds predisposed to the development of acne, we can mention the boxer, the English bulldog, the rottweiler or the pinscher.

Regarding the role of hormones, it has always been thought that they were the triggering cause of acne. However, recent studies hypothesize that the predisposition of the breed and the genetic component are also decisive in the appearance of acne in dogs.

How to cure acne in dogs

As for the treatment, the intensity and chronicity of the disease must first be taken into account .

Acne in dogs can manifest itself even in a mild and clinically unimportant way, but it can also involve lesions of a certain severity that must be treated in the most appropriate way. In this sense, the treatment options are as follows:

Reduce trauma and scratches

This is an important aspect when treating some animal diseases. Faced with the impossibility of reaching an agreement with the dog in question, protective measures will be necessary. The use of Elizabethan collars or the protection of areas where the animal tends to scratch such as carpets or sofas are options to consider.

Limit foods that increase salivation

Saliva moistens the area, creating an ideal breeding ground for bacteria to grow . For this reason, as far as possible, it is essential to keep the area dry.

There are breeds that start drooling at the mere sound of food falling on the bowl . However, forbidding foods such as bones or hard-textured snacks can help limit saliva production.

Clean the area frequently

Keeping the area clean and dry to reduce the concentration of bacteria and the degree of humidity in the area is crucial. For this, the use of special shampoos or the application of antiseptics is particularly suitable . In this sense, it is interesting to entertain the dog after applying them, to prevent him from licking himself.

Avoid squeezing pimples

Obviously this indication is addressed to the owners. It is absolutely contraindicated to try to eliminate any pimples . In fact, pressing them will cause an internal rupture of the papule, producing a massive inflammatory reaction and aggravating the condition.

Medicines to treat acne in dogs

In case of a serious infection that compromises the health and well-being of the animal, systemic treatments are indicated. To combat these complicated pictures, you can resort to the administration of oral antibiotics. In addition, the use of corticosteroids is recommended to calm the inflammation.

A pathology of low severity

In conclusion, acne in dogs is a generally benign and risk-free condition. In most cases, animals that develop acne usually get over it without the need for treatment.

However, in other cases there may be a clinical picture that compromises the health and well-being of the dog. Therefore, it is necessary to keep in mind the possibility of a treatment, always after consulting the veterinarian.

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