Why should you deworm your cat

We all adore our cats, we want the best for them and for them to be with us for many years. To do this, the first thing is to ensure that your pet is in good health. Ideally, act with prevention and anticipate possible problems that may affect you.

Importance of deworming cats

Having a pet reduces stress levels, according to advanced studies. Dogs and cats are preferred when choosing an animal to be part of the family, and felines take the lead by being playful and independent.

However, for the welfare of the animal and its owners, it is essential to keep them healthy, and deworming is among the most important preventive measures .

The active nature of kittens makes them more prone to parasites, so procedures will have to be applied to keep these insects or microorganisms at bay that reduce their quality of life.

Is it really necessary to eradicate feline parasites?

Many are aware that dogs must be dewormed, both for their well-being and to avoid possible infections to a member of the family. But in cats this preventive measure is often forgotten. And this is a serious mistake.

Some ailments of these pets are related to parasites, which put their life at risk, so it is important to take the initiative and take action so that this does not happen.

Visiting the vet regularly is the key to catching any problems early. The task of deworming cats is not easy, but it is necessary, since these insects and organisms are everywhere and are harmful.

It is advisable to take your cat to the vet every three months or sooner, if worms are present, because according to vets, this is the time it takes for parasites to become adults.

Studies indicate that more than 50% of these pets have parasites, some lodge in their intestines and others are external, such as fleas. And this risk increases if they have contact with the outside world.

Where are the sources of risk for your cat?

This type of disease attacks more cats that are in outdoor areas . To take care of cats from harmful parasites, it is important to be aware of the following sources of infection:

  • Pussycats love to dig, especially if they are puppies, but flea eggs can hide in the ground, which affect the digestive system of cats.
  • Cats play with everything in their path, so contact with rodents or snails can open the doors to bacteria that attack their lungs or intestines.
  • Insects and pets. Being in contact with other animals that are not properly cared for can also be counterproductive because parasites can easily change hosts. The bite of certain insects is also a source of infection.
  • Garbage or spoiled food. One of the warnings that veterinarians always make to guarantee the care of these types of pets is not to supply them raw meat, or allow them to have contact with waste, which can not only contaminate them through their tongue, but even their paws.

Cats also need a lot of previous care in case of taking them on a trip, so they will have to apply their respective vaccines and when they go for a walk, be careful with the so-called “round worms”, which abound in parks and squares.

How is the deworming procedure?

If, despite the care, the cat is a victim of the fearsome parasites, it is necessary to act quickly and effectively. There are several methods to deworm them:

  1. Among the most common is the use of pipettes, with which a liquid is placed on the back of the head so that the cat cannot remove it when licking.
  2. There are also sprays , with which certain special liquids are applied to eliminate fleas immediately, with a durability of up to four weeks.
  3. The shampoos and flea collars are other treatments used to keep these microorganisms away from the cats, while others prefer to use pads acting directly in the blood.

Regardless of the method used to deworm the pet, the important thing is to take them to the veterinarian and for the specialists to indicate which method is indicated and for how long it will have to be applied. Deworming them is the most effective way to maintain the health of these faithful companions.

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