Why is my cat is afraid of me? What should I do?

Sometimes your cat’s behavior suggests that it is afraid of you. This is normal, for example, if you have just adopted them and it has not yet made their mark in your home and family. But sometimes, it drags on… Why does it withdraw into itself despite their efforts and a desire to give them affection? What are the solutions to help them? 

The signs are unmistakable 

Before knowing if there is a need to react, it is better to be sure of what we are saying. To find out whether or not your cat fears you, try to spot the common signs of fear in cats. For example if it runs away from you, takes refuge in a corner to hide or takes a long time to show the tip of his snout when you call him.

The body language is even more blatant. Its analysis is a valuable aid in detecting the physical signs of fear. A cat that flaps its ears back, hisses, spits, arches its back and raises its hair is rarely comfortable. Other times, as if to make itself invisible, it will roll into a ball.

How to explain this behavior? 

Already, it is necessary to make the difference between frightened cat and shy cat. In the first case, the signs previously mentioned can help to make the difference. Similarly, a cat who likes to spend his days alone in their corner is not necessarily afraid of you.

On the other hand, adopted cats may have experienced trauma with their former owners (abuse, abandonment, etc.). Or quite simply, they have not been socialized like their congeners. Therefore, it takes them longer to feel confident in a new home.

When you have other pets like dogs, the cat may also be less adventurous in getting used to their new surroundings. If your cat deliberately avoids your arms when it’s not used to, check to see if it’s in physical pain. Some pain may possibly prevent them from enjoying this moment.

The right gestures to reassure him 

Understanding, patience and affection are undoubtedly the main things your cat needs. From there, several tips can reassure them and make sure it feels safe by your side.

  • Providing them with a quiet place that will serve as a landmark is a good start. Keep in the habit of always placing your litter box, bowl and basket in the same places, if possible in a quiet corner of your home.
  • Plan several specially dedicated calm “hiding places” where it can take refuge in case of stress and flee what is anxiety-provoking for him. On the other hand, hide and protect dangerous places where it could hide.
  • Don’t force them to socialize. If it refuses to play or be hugged, let them go quietly and respect their space. This does not prevent occasionally trying approaches with treats, toys and caresses.
  • If their condition worsens, do not hesitate to seek professional help.

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