Why is my cat in a bad mood?

For some time now, your cat has been grumpy. It tends to seek contact with you less, and even push you away when you try to interact with them. Sometimes it can even be aggressive. But how to explain this persistent bad mood?

1. It has a health problem

If your normally affectionate and clingy cat is suddenly grumpy, the first thing to do is check for a health problem. First, try to feel them all over their body to make sure it hasn’t hurt itself somewhere.

Then, be on the lookout for the slightest unusual symptom (loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, etc.) that could indicate a medical problem. If you suspect them to be in pain or sick, take them to the vet quickly.

2. It is bored

In the wild, cats spent much of their time hunting for food. This activity required a lot of physical energy but also mental energy. Indeed, to catch a prey, you had to be strategic.

Now our feline friends no longer need to hunt to survive, but that doesn’t mean they don’t feel the need to. On the contrary, they need to be stimulated just as much as before. So if your cat seems grumpy and depressed, it may just be because it’s bored. To give them back their joie de vivre, you know what you have to do: play with them!

3. He needs attention

Even though cats tend to crave less attention than dogs, that doesn’t mean they don’t need it! In fact, most cats need human contact just as much as dogs.

If your cat spends most of their time alone or if your attention is now more often directed towards a new member of the family (baby, animal, etc.), then it may feel neglected. And that plays irremediably on their mood. Spend a little more time with them and everything should be fine!

4. He doesn’t feel safe

For a cat to be happy, it must feel at home. Indeed, the territory of a feline is the most important element for them. And for good reason, it’s the only place where it can feel safe – and therefore sleep peacefully. It is therefore necessary that this territory is filled with familiar smells but also and above all that it is not subject to change. Yes, remember, the cat is a creature of habit!

Therefore, if you have just moved or if there has been any change in the house (new arrival, new furniture, etc.), it is normal for your cat to be grumpy. Give them time to get their bearings and their mood should soon improve.

5. He doesn’t want to share

Not only do cats hate change, but they also resent having to share their territory – and therefore their resources – with other cats. Be careful, this does not mean that two cats cannot live together! But simply that they must have two well-separated territories, otherwise they will feel stressed.

To do this, nothing could be simpler: give each of your cats their own sleeping place, their own toys and their own food and water bowls. As for the litter box, each cat in the house should have one of its own as well as an additional litter box. So, if you have two cats, you will need to have three litter boxes. For three cats, four litter boxes, etc., will be needed.

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