Why is my cat Cooing?

Purring and meowing aren’t the only sounds cats make. In fact, they have a whole range of different tones to express their feelings. But the cutest noise of all is the cooing. And if your cat is the cooer type, that’s a pretty good sign!

What does cooing look like in cats? 

Sometimes you may hear your cat make a rather high pitched sound that strangely resembles a pigeon’s cooing. To describe it, you could say that it is a mixture of purr and meow. When cooing, your feline seems to be rolling the R’s  (Spanish style!) And doesn’t need to open its mouth.

Why do cats coo? 

Most of the time, when cats make this strange sound, it is to communicate with their human or with another cat. For example, it is quite common for felines to coo to say hello to a fellow creature or to greet their owner upon its return home. Or to demand attention , like a caress, a brush stroke or a game of games.

Either way, cooing  always expresses something positive, unlike meowing. This means that the animal is happy and that it feels good. It is also not uncommon for cat owners to have the impression that their little companion is talking to them by making this noise. Indeed, our feline friends seem to tell us about their day when they coo.

Contrary to what one might think, this behaviour is not innate but acquired . Indeed, it is through  their mother  that cats have learned to coo. The latter, when they were kittens, cooed to tell them to follow her or to get their attention.

My cat does not coo: should I be concerned?

If your cat isn’t a big cooer, don’t worry. Indeed, the fact of cooing depends above all on the personality of the cat. Thus, the more sociable a feline is , the more likely it is to coo.

On the other hand, a cat who is shy or who does not like to be the center of attention will be less likely to produce such a chirp. Likewise, a cat whose mother did not coo would not have had the opportunity to learn how to do it.

Also, if your cat starts to coo harder and more regularly , sometimes in the middle of the night, it is a sign that something is wrong. This type of behaviour can especially be caused by age-related dementia . In any case, any change in behaviour in your hairball requires a visit to the vet.

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