Why does my cat bite my hair?

Does your cat have a habit of licking your hair, or even chewing it? It even happens that it starts to nibble your eyebrows or your beard? Don’t worry, there’s no need to worry. Several reasons can actually explain such behavior. Here are which ones!

1. To show you affection

Cats in the same group have a habit of grooming each other in order to strengthen their bonds but also to ease tensions. When they lick each other, they usually favor the head and neck, since these are the two most difficult areas of the body to reach when grooming.

Thus, if your cat licks your hair, especially during cuddly moments or when you are lying down, it is because it considers you one of their closest allies and wants you to understand it. In addition, by licking you this way, it also mixes their scent with yours, which usually helps them to strengthen group cohesion.

2. Because it likes the taste of your hair

We humans are used to putting different types of products on our hair (shampoos, hairspray, masks, etc.). However, some of them can be particularly fragrant and prove to be very attractive to cats.

So, if your cat is so attracted to your hair, it may simply be because it thinks it tastes good!

3. To play

If your cat tends to chew your hair, or even bite your scalp, it’s probably because it’s dying to play with you. Especially if it is a kitten! In this case, if you don’t want them to associate biting your hair with an invitation to play, ignore them.

It is only once it has left your poor hair that you can start a game of games with them. This will help them understand that biting your hair won’t get your attention.

4. Because it is sick

If your cat enjoys pulling your hair out and even swallowing it, it may be because it has pica. Pica is a behavioral disorder that pushes the affected cat to eat non-food objects (stones, fabrics, etc.).

Stress, malnutritionillness or too early weaning can be the cause of picaEither way, a visit to the vet is in order.

5. Because it’s stressed

Much like the act of thumb sucking in humans, licking its owner’s hair can be a way for cats to relieve stress. In this case, this behavior may be observed occasionally.

However, if your cat is compulsively engaging in this behavior, a trip to the vet is a must.

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Cat BehaviorKittens
Cat HealthCat Grooming
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