Whipworms in Cats: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, therapy

Whipworms in cats, a rare parasitosis in this animal but which is better to know. Let’s see, together, what are the causes that cause it, the symptoms and the recommended therapy.

Our affectionate pets can get sick even suddenly and, very often, the diseases are so subtle that we do not immediately notice their suffering and the deterioration of their health. In the feline, for example, even rare disorders can occur and affect other furry ones more, such as dogs. Today, let’s see what whipworms are in cats and what are the solutions to this problem.

Whipworms in cats: causes and typical symptoms

We are talking about a fairly rare problem in the feline but which can still manifest itself in an unfortunate case. Therefore, it is good to know the possible causes triggering this disorder in the domestic cat and to know what are the typical symptoms that can occur in him.

Our furry friends can happen to suffer from rare ailments that affect other animals, such as dogs. There are ailments that develop in the feline and that can compromise its health, such as parasites and worm infestation.

Although it is a rather rare condition for cats, whipworms can also be found in him . But what are they? Whipworms are roundwormsworms known as Trichuris serrata and campanula.

Speaking of cat worms, it is common to think of coccidia and roundworms in cats. These worms live in the large intestine, are yellow in color and between 3 and 8 centimeters in length. Their eggs, on the other hand, are yellowish and lemon-shaped.

Whipworm species can form when they come into contact with contaminated sandboxes or soil. In the large intestine, females produce eggs which are then externated through the animal’s feces.

The eggs produced by whipworms are very resistant in the external environment, in any climate, and can be infectious even for years. If the kitty licks the contaminated soil, drinks that water, or ingests the eggs with food, the larvae begin their life cycle in the gut.

Typical symptoms in the cat

The infestation of whipworms in cats can cause damage to the walls of the blind and colon, as these will feed on blood. Besides that, there are other miscellaneous symptoms:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Anemia in cats
  • Dehydration
  • Slimming
  • Blood in cat feces
  • Ulcers
  • Enteritis
  • Hemorrhage
  • Seizures in cats
  • Death, in the younger specimens

The feline and whipworms: diagnosis and therapy

In this suffering and delicate condition, the diagnosis is essential to be able to act in the best way and help the feline to heal itself. 

As happens for the dog, also for the feline a diagnosis is foreseen with the collection of the eggs in its feces or through the flotation or the enrichment. Subsequently, there will be the administration of specific wormers for the cat.

Of course, the choice of the right wormer must be prescribed or recommended only by the veterinarian, otherwise you risk not solving anything and waste precious time in unnecessary purchases.

In the house, then, it will be necessary to disinfect the environment, so you will have to change the litter every day, along with the sheets and sofa covers.

For owners who also have a garden, the situation becomes complicated, because wormers cannot prevent future infestations. It is necessary to carry out a detailed control of all its territory and to make sure that everything is ‘clean’.

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