What foods do Cats like?

What are the preferences of cat in cat feeding? We know that it is very demanding, but let’s see what the cat’s food tastes are.

Feeding an animal is part of the care we have for him, but sometimes it is he himself who makes the operation very complex: obviously we are talking about the cat. It is certainly demanding, sophisticated in the choice of foods and even in the ways in which they are administered. Probably the choice of the foods that he likes most will be difficult and not so immediate, but understanding the food tastes of the cat will certainly be very useful.

Cat vs man: the challenge of taste

It’s true: cats can refuse to eat for a multitude of reasons, not least that place in the bowl that must never be next to the litter box. But it is not always a question of whims, since the sense of taste also plays its part.

Taste receptors – the feline taste buds – are found not only on the tongue but also on the soft palate, lips, cheeks and throat. However, the variety and abundance of receptors does not correspond to an equally varied amount of tastes that are perceived by the cat.

In fact, as far as tastes and flavors are concerned, those that the feline can perceive seem very limited. How come? The motivation is to be found above all in the eating habits of the cat which, being purely carnivorous, is ‘accustomed’ only to a certain type of food, precisely meat.

If we humans often have to submit to animals in terms of smell and sight, we can take our ‘revenge’ as far as the sense of taste is concerned. Human beings have always been used to tasting and varying their diet, experimenting and combining flavors that are also very distant from each other.

The food tastes of the cat: to each ‘zone’ its taste

We have already said that the feline taste buds are scattered in various areas, but it is partly that each of them is able to perceive one taste better than another. It will be better to proceed with some examples to be clearer.

The tip and the anterolateral margin of the tongue seem to be more sensitive to the salty taste, while with the base and the posterolateral margin of it the cat feels the bitter taste.

The acid taste seems to be able to perceive it in all the ‘areas’ of the mouth, unlike the sweet one that they find it difficult to taste, as already mentioned in Why doesn’t the cat feel the sweet taste? All the reasons. In fact, this is great, as sugars could do a lot of damage to their health.

The cat’s food tastes: what they like best

Translated in terms of ‘types’ of food, what are the foods that are coveted by our beloved domestic felines? Some scientific studies seem to have arrived at a particular discovery, which sees at the top of the ranking of feline food tastes:

  • animal fats,
  • some fruits such as melon and banana,
  • olives,
  • vegetables such as pumpkin and celery,
  • strong tastes like anise
  • amino acids such as proline, alanine and lysine.

Cat food tastes: what’s the point of knowing them

This is not a simple curiosity to be satisfied: knowing the feline’s food tastes is also very important for varying its diet. By choosing the right foods we can also make it ‘easier’ to switch from one food to another.

Veterinarians in fact advising to vary, albeit in moderation and gradually, the feline’s diet, to ensure that from a puppy he gets used to any type of food. It is true that it is therefore a fussy animal when it comes to food, but it is equally true that our role is to educate it in the best possible way to a varied but balanced diet.

So to insert a new food in cat’s daily menu, it is useful to ‘mix’ the flavors and accompany the new food with one of those mentioned above, which he certainly likes. This does not mean that the change will happen quickly and will be well received, but it is certainly a valid attempt.

Even if he likes a food then it does not mean that you have to abuse it: be careful not to overdo the quantities. For example, if we are sure that the cat can eat pumpkin, we must still pay attention to possible intolerances or allergies.

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