What are the causes of constipation in cats?

Constipation in cats indicates one of the most serious problems in cat health, and involves hardening of the stool within the intestinal tract leading to serious problemsUsually cats use the litter box at least once a day, so if they find themselves in the condition of not defecating they feel terrible. If they try to defecate and find themselves in this situation they may also have blood from the anal orifice. These symptoms can also be caused by more serious underlying diseases. In any case we will still have to contact the veterinarian, because the underlying problems could also be of urinary origin, caused by severe tumors or cystitis that prompt the cat to use the litter box often.

Stools will be hard, dry and sometimes pale in consistency, forming balls and covered with mucus and blood. The cat will tend to use the litter box often but in vain, indeed it will certainly tend to complain. We will notice in him loss of appetite and weight loss, hard and constipated abdomen, frequent lethargy and sometimes even the presence of vomiting. He will certainly also avoid grooming himself because the hair will form boluses to digest.

Why constipation arises

  • low-fiber diet
  • dehydration
  • hairballs / excessive self-licking
  • anal sacs obstructed or characterized by the formation of abscesses
  • enlarged prostate
  • tangled hair on the buttocks
  • ingestion of foreign bodies, such as laces, cloth, bones, etc.
  • side effects of drugs
  • tumor or other types of intestinal obstruction
  • neurological disorder
  • obesity
  • abnormality in the shape of the colon or motility

The remedies of the love expert

Depending on the causes that we will find ourselves in front of, we will be able to find different solutions that the vet will recommend:

  • give a laxative, or alternatively cow’s milk that the cat will have difficulty digesting
  • enema (the procedure must be performed by a professional and never at home). you can also think of doing a homemade enema with a syringe without a needle, using lukewarm water and oil, administering at least 5-10 ml of liquid.
  • drugs to increase the contractile strength of the large intestine
  • high-fiber diet
  • surgery to remove intestinal obstruction

Even elderly cats often, already having previous problems with the urinary tract, then have problems of constipation. Because by drinking less they will have less moist stools and therefore will have difficulty defecating.

Methods to prevent constipation will surely be helpful if put in place. To prevent the onset of constipation in cats, it is advisable to give the animal a diet rich in fiber, minimizing snacks between meals. The cat must always have fresh, clean water available. It is also good to make sure that he moves physically. It will certainly be good to give malt paste often for hairballs and given the presence of glycerin which will help defecation.

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