Ventroflexion of the neck in cats: causes and what to do about it

Ventroflexion of the neck in cats: a symptom that can be associated with many diseases. Let’s see together what to pay attention to.

To ensure the health of our beloved feline, it would be advisable to spend part of our time observing our furry friend, to highlight any physical or even behavioural changes.

In fact, observing cat we could often notice that he has the head and neck bent downwards. Sometimes it can be a momentary gesture, other times it isn’t. Why? Let’s see together what is the ventroflexion of the neck in the cat .

Ventroflexion of the neck in cats: causes

The ventroflexion of the neck in the cat is a symptom that consists in the bending of the cat ‘s head and neck downwards.

Although this position could be observed in a resting feline, especially in cold weather, if it persists and the cat has other symptoms, it can be caused by various pathologies .

In fact there are many reasons why our four-legged friend keeps his neck and head down, they are:

  • Thiamine deficiency
  • Hypokalemia
  • Conn syndrome
  • Congenital or acquired myasthenia gravis in cats
  • Congenital myopathy
  • Polyneuropathy in cats
  • Hyperthyroidism in cats

The symptoms associated with ventroflexion of the neck in cats can be many, as they depend on the disease that caused the disorder. However, the main symptoms to note are:

  • Feline anorexia
  • Abatement
  • Dehydration
  • Slimming

Ventroflexion of the neck in cats: what to do

The glass bending of the neck in the cat is not treated as it is a symptom, but the pathology that caused it is treated.

To understand the cause that has determined this disorder in the cat, the veterinarian will carry out a series of tests, including a blood test, and will analyse the other symptoms present in our four-legged friend.

For this reason, it is advisable to describe any other types of symptoms that your furry friend presents to your vet.

Depending on the pathology that the vet will find in the feline, he will prescribe the right therapy that will lead to the recovery of our four-legged friend.

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