Useful foods for the cat’s coat: foods and elements that make it shiny and healthy

The health of the coat also depends on nutrition: what are the useful foods for the cat’s hair and what effect they have on our domestic feline.

When we say that: ‘Health also passes through nutrition’, we mean that of the body in general but also of the coat and coat of the feline. On the other hand, the shine of the fur is one of the first characteristics of the cat that immediately catches the eye. In short, the results of a healthy and balanced diet can also be seen at first glance, but what are the most useful foods for the cat’s coat and what effects do they have on it? Everything you need to know.

Cat’s nutrition and coat

A shiny, thick and healthy cat? Much depends on what he eats. The sebaceous glands present on the surface of the coat guarantee not only the shine of the hair but also a sense of ‘grease’ to the touch.

If, on the other hand, the furry blanket of our domestic feline appears dull and rough to the touch, it is likely that there is some nutritional deficiency in its diet. It is obvious that the unkempt and unkempt appearance of the coat can also depend on other factors, such as: the cat’s age, any ongoing pathologies etc.

When the cat’s diet lacks essential fatty acids, the repercussions are immediately seen on its coat: the skin appears dehydrated and dry, so much so that it is sometimes even itchy. It is not uncommon in these cases to see the cat scratching and licking itself obsessively, to the point of irritating the skin and making it bleed.

Finally, a diet based on low quality foods (often low cost ones) weaken the hair and make it dull and dry. In fact, industrial foods are also designed for the specific needs of the feline coat: this is why many recommend them! But that they are of excellent quality, of course.

Useful food for the cat’s coat: proteins and amino acids

A continuous grooming of the cat is not enough to keep a shiny and healthy coat: you must also help him with an adequate diet. But what are the most suitable foods for the purpose? We must be honest: there are no ‘miracle’ foods that solve the problem of the coat as soon as you eat them.

Many are convinced that the continuous (and abundant) use of food supplements can be good, but it is not always true, as we must not abuse oil and fats and eggs to obtain the same (hoped for) effect. Let’s start with nutritional factors, the absence or deficiency of which not only leads to hair loss but also to its non-regeneration: proteins and amino acids (which make up the protein). It is obvious that these elements are not only good for the coat, and in particular the hair needs two amino acids in particular: cysteine ​​and tyrosine.

Useful food for the cat’s coat: fatty acids, vitamins and minerals

The fundamental fatty acids in the cat’s diet are: Omega 6 and Omega 3 (in particular the first type is responsible for the ceramides, ie the molecules that create the protective layer of the hair).

Finally, as regards vitamins and minerals, those related to the growth and regeneration of the hair are:

  • zinc,
  • copper,
  • vitamin A,
  • Vitamin E,
  • vitamin B complex

Useful foods for the cat’s coat: suitable foods

But all these elements in which foods do they ‘translate’? As already mentioned, there are no miraculous foods that solve the problem of feline hair, but a constant and habitual use of some of them certainly helps.

The choice of food depends on the nutrient deficiency that leads to the fall and loss of shine of the hair. Only the expert can help us understand which elements are lacking or missing in the cat’s diet. But what do some foods contain and why choose them?

  • Egg (yolk): Vitamin A and essential fatty acids,
  • seed oil,
  • meat: amino acids,
  • yeast: Vitamin B1 and B2.

Often the ‘hair problem’ has been solved by switching from an industrial to a home-style diet, but only if the various elements are correctly balanced and balanced and if the doses are also correct and controlled.

Let us get advice from our trusted veterinarian and do not always trust the advertisements of products for the well-being of the hair: each cat is a story in itself… and also its hair!

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