Throwing cat litter in the toilet: a good or bad idea?

To delay the moment to completely change your cat’s litter box, there is a little trick: you just have to remove the excrement every day, using a litter scoop. But what to do next? Throw them in the trash? In compost? In the toilets ? The answer in this article !

Rule # 1: NEVER flush litter into the toilet

After your cat has peed or pooped in their litter box, their droppings can be removed using a litter scoop. If it is a clumping litter, the droppings will be particularly easy to remove since they will have clumped together in the form of compact balls, including the urine. On the other hand, if the litter is not clumping, it will be a question of removing the soiled parts of the litter.

In any case, be aware that it is strictly forbidden to throw your cat’s excrement, clumped or not, into the toilet. And there are several reasons for this.

First of all, the litter is not soluble in water. Especially since the excrements dehydrated by the litter are often hard as a stone. Consequently, the risk of obstruction of the pipes is great.

Well, the litter, we understand that is no. But, what about your cat’s poop, you will tell me? After all, why couldn’t they land in the same place as your poop?

In fact, your cat’s poop can be infected with a parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. This parasite, responsible for toxoplasmosis , could then contaminate waterways. And for good reason, even if, passing through the toilet, the parasite, present in your cat’s droppings, lands in a wastewater treatment plant, it is so robust that it will withstand chemical treatment of water. In fact, when it is returned to nature, it can infect many animals.

Good to know : toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease that can be transmitted from cats to humans. It is not dangerous, except for pregnant women in whom it can have serious consequences on the fetus.

The case of so-called “biodegradable” litter

Since the arrival of biodegradable litter on the market, cat owners believe that in addition to being ecological, they can be thrown in the toilet or in the compost, which is a real asset. In reality, it’s a bit more complicated than that.

As we mentioned above, litter is not soluble in water, and whether it is biodegradable or not. In fact, it is not recommended to throw it in the toilet. Especially since this would not facilitate the treatment of domestic wastewater.

As for the compost, it is also recommended not to add litter, even biodegradable. In question ? The risk of infection by the dreaded Toxoplasma gondii . Indeed, by using your compost as fertilizer on your plantations, you could then contaminate the soil and the crops.

So, whether you have opted for a litter based on wood pellets or for a litter based on silicone or clay, the action is the same: your cat’s litter, as well as its excrement, must ALWAYS be thrown away. the trash can, with non-recyclable household waste. And, if possible, in a bag separate from other waste.

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