There are 5 types of feline personalities: which one does your cat belong to?

A recent study by scientists found that there are five major personality types in cats. Not only are these results fascinating to say the least, but they may also allow cat owners to better understand their hairball. To find out what type of personality your cat belongs to, it’s here!

1. The Neurotic

Neurotic cats tend to be particularly anxious, suspicious, and shy. They never feel safe and are generally afraid of people. When visitors arrive on their territory, these cats have the reflex to immediately hide in order to take shelter. Indeed, they run away from anything that scares them and can be less tolerant of handling due to their extreme sensitivity.

If your cat is definitely the neurotic type, be sure to provide plenty of hiding places for it (cardboard boxes, etc.) all over the house. Being able to find refuge anywhere could help them feel more peaceful, more confident. And above all, never force them to face their fears, otherwise you will traumatize them!

2. The extrovert

Extroverted cats tend to be particularly curiousactive, but also inventive and intelligent. They like to go out, explore their surroundings and have a knack for getting into trouble. These felines have a huge need for stimulation, both physical and mental. Indeed, they can get bored easily and become destructive in order to release their excess energy.

If your cat is an extrovert, you’ll need to spend a lot of time playing with them. But also give them the opportunity to have fun alone by offering them new toys regularly.

3. Dominant

Dominant cats tend to be intimidating, even aggressive, especially towards other cats. They do not fit in well in a household that includes several cats since they can make life difficult for their congeners.

If your cat is dominant, it is essential to ensure that it does not stress the other cats in the house. To do this, make sure that each feline has its own water and food bowls and its own litter and that the dominant cannot monopolize them all.

4. Spontaneous

Spontaneous cats tend to adopt a rather unstable behavior. Indeed, they may react differently to the same situation depending on the moment. They can thus be particularly impulsive and therefore reckless. Typically, these are the kind of cats that act first and then think.

If your cat is spontaneous, make sure you never yell at it, otherwise it will increase its level of anxiety and therefore its erratic behavior. Follow a well -defined life routine so that it knows exactly when such an event will occur and thus adopt the appropriate behavior.

5. The Friendly

Friendly cats tend to be particularly affectionate, kind, and sociable. They love people and other animals and it shows. Indeed, they like to sleep on the lap of their human, knead with their paws and give light head butts to those they appreciate. This type of cat generally gets along well with everyone, making it the perfect personality for a multi-cat household.

If your cat is friendly and suddenly changes their behavior, a trip to the vet is in order. Indeed, illness, pain or deep discomfort can cause a certain irritability in cats.

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