The Cats eat Cabbage?

Can the cat eat cabbage? Sometimes, we have food in the house and we don’t know whether to feed it to our feline. Let’s see whether to include this food in your diet or if it is harmful.

We are always curious to know the tastes of our cat. Being an animal also attentive to what it receives on the plate, we try to understand, every day, if it feels more satisfied with carbohydrates or proteins. In any case, vegetables also play an important role in your diet, for their nutrients.

Vegetables, together with cereals, are a great source of vitamins and minerals and together with water and fiber they allow good digestion even in our furry dog. The cat, as a carnivore, prefers meat and fats and cannot bear the sweet taste of fruit, which it rarely appreciates. Hydration is also essential throughout the day, so it is better to feed him wet food than dry food.

But which vegetables to offer to our feline?

Precisely because the cat is a carnivorous animal, it necessarily requires the integration of vegetables. It is important to know that not all greens and vegetables can be given to the feline. Some of them are highly harmful and can poison him. Each cat is different, everyone prefers hot food or cold food and an intolerance or allergy to a specific vegetable should not be ruled out. Let’s see what vegetables the cat can eat.

Cooked vegetables: they are also good for overweight cats. Among these are included carrots, pleasant for the palate of the cat, excellent for the eyes, for the skin and for his coat; beets, antioxidants and rich in vitamin A, strengthen your immune system, also protecting it from infections; peas, much appreciated by the feline, help it for cholesterol and can be eaten both raw and cooked.

Among these are, again, asparagus, green beans, zucchini and pumpkin which, containing many fibers, helps the cat to feel full, also giving relief from constipation. Beetroot is particularly suitable for cats with heart problems, preventing many chronic diseases.

The cat and the cabbage: food yes, food no

Let’s find out if the cabbage (or savoy cabbage) can be eaten by our furry friend, to enrich his daily diet or if it is better to avoid.

As we have said, each cat has its own tastes, needs and weaknesses. The feline, in general, despises almost nothing, but there are foods, even among vegetables, about which there is no absolute truth, as in the case of cabbage.

Savoy cabbage, with its varieties (cabbage, kohlrabi) is not often included in the cat’s diet. But together with the vegetables mentioned above and together with countless others such as cucumbers, broccoli and salads, cauliflower and artichokes, well cooked cabbage can provide the cat with important substances with anticancer properties.

We remind you that it is enough to be careful when preparing meals, avoiding cooking recipes with garlic and onion, toxic for the cat, which can cause diarrhea, vomiting and even tachycardia in our furry dog. We offer food to our cat always in small portions and always away from its litter box, these are small attentions that our cat appreciates a lot!

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