The cat has bunched hair: causes and remedies

The cat has hair in bunches and it is not always the animal’s lack of personal cleanliness. This is a common phenomenon in the cat. Let’s see what are the causes of this problem and how it is possible to solve it to give our feline back a perfect coat.

Owners of a domestic cat know their obsession with cleanliness. The feline, as we know, spends a lot of his day licking himself well and cleaning his fur. A cat always appears impeccable also thanks to this personal practice. But, then, what can cause discomfort to his coat? Why does the cat have hair in bunches? Let’s try to analyse this feline phenomenon.

The cat and the hair in bunches: the reasons for this phenomenon

It may happen that our cat, especially if elderly, begins to have hair in bunches and this, over time, can cause us to worry. Let’s see what are the common reasons for the problem and the possible solutions.

What does it mean that the cat has “hair in bunches” ? This is an expression that indicates small groups of tufts that are created on the cat’s coat due to an accumulation of fat. It is a particular phenomenon in the feline, due to its famous discipline for hygiene and cleaning. When we notice an aesthetic change, therefore, we must take it as an alarm signal and understand what is happening to it.

Bundled or knotted fur in felines occurs more in older or overweight cats, and is greasy to the touch. It is not easy to understand immediately what triggered it, because the causes of this problem in the animal can be various. A cause of the discomfort can be related to its weight and can concern both the overweight and the weight loss of the cat. Sudden changes in weight can ruin or aggravate the condition of the coat.

Weight problems can also cause more serious ailments in him, such as chronic kidney failure, for which unfortunately there is no cure. The reason for this discomfort in a cat with weight problems is certainly the difficulty in washing well in certain areas of its body. Hence the spread of the tufts. Diet-related diseases should not be underestimated. The appearance of the hair in bunches is also due to dehydration in the cat.

The furry person may neglect his own cleanliness even due to lethargy caused by a previous uncomfortable condition. Another cause of this disorder can be the presence of a problem in the mouth. Probable infections, abscesses, problems with the teeth and gums, bad breath and even a tumor in the mouth in the cat, can be important impediments to its daily cleaning.

Other possible causes of bunched hair

Other problems responsible for bunched hair are ataxia and arthritis in cats. When the cat has arthritis, muscle and movement problems, it is not easy for him to carry out the simplest movements, such as washing. Even if he tries hard, the result will never be good. As we have said, this is a condition that especially affects older cats, usually starting at 8 years of age.

It is precisely the elderly cat that suffers the most, also due to the dysfunctions of its metabolism and immune system. Its metabolic changes also lead to a worsening of the coat and coat, inevitable signs of cat aging. When he lives alone or is a short-haired cat, he can begin to have knots also due to accumulations of dead skin or the presence of dust on the coat.

Care and solutions of the hair in bunches in your cat

When the cat has hair in bunches it is necessary to intervene immediately to help it and verify the precise trigger. Let’s see the tips for the best treatments for this disorder, in order to be able to solve it and restore to our domestic friend his serenity.

It will be the veterinarian who will deal with this problem, starting to investigate the animal ‘s blood and urine tests, to be sure of the cause that is at the origin of the disorder. Together with the treatment that will be indicated by the doctor, you can act to improve the quality of the cat’s coat as much as possible. Let’s see how we can help him too.

Brushing the hair regularly and washing it with a specific shampoo are important actions to combat the discomfort our hairy suffers from. Brushing the cat in the right way will allow us to get to the solution of the problem in less time. First of all, remember to always use products suitable for the animal. In his case, the use of water should be avoided, as it could make his tufts even more dense.

There are special antistatic and anti-knot sprays for him. For the care of the hair, however, it is preferable to use a wide-toothed comb for the intricate knots. We are very careful not to pull off the skin while we brush, it could hurt our furry a lot. For thick knots, it is recommended to use a razor comb equipped with useful blades. It is used starting from the base of the knot, always taking care not to hurt it.

Otherwise, you can choose the classic electric razor. Remember to pull well the hair to be shaved, for the safety of our animal. Check for sores or infections before starting by checking each area of ​​the skin well. The cat’s skin is very delicate and is easy to cut and burn. The use of scissors is not recommended for cutting the hair, as there is a high risk of injury.

In case of accidental injuries, clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide and take him to the vet to make sure the cut is not deep and dangerous to his health. If we do not feel ready to face the cutting of the knots and to remove the tufts in the animal, we can contact the trusted veterinarian, who will take care of its cleaning.

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