The cat has black gums: reasons, what to do

Black gums in cats: when the condition is natural and when it is cause for concern. Let’s find out why the feline has dark gums.

Observing your furry friend is very important, especially if we care about his health. For this reason it is necessary to be able to recognize any type of change in your feline, both behavioral and physical.

In this article we will base our attention on the physical change of the cat, in particular on the color of its gums. In fact, it can often happen to notice the change in color of the cat’s gums from normal pink to black. Why? What does our four-legged friend present? Let’s see together why the cat has black gums.

Black gums in cats: the various reasons

Observing your cat is very important to highlight any problems that may arise in the cat.

Among these we can also find black gums in the feline. This condition can occur in our four-legged friend for several reasons.

First of all, you need to know that if the cat with this problem is an orange, calico or tortoiseshell cat, as it can have a hereditary condition, called Lentigo simplex.

The latter in fact causes the presence of black spots on the gums of the feline. The change in the color of the cat’s gums from pink to black, which has Lentigo simplex, occurs when the cat is advanced in age and cannot be prevented or treated.

In the event that black gums occur in cats that do not have the colors listed above, further investigation is required. If the black spots on your cat’s gums are raised, and the Kitty breaks away when you try to touch his gums, it could be gum cancer. In this case it is advisable to contact the veterinarian.

However, black spots on the cat’s gums can also be harmless, especially when it comes to food residues. While this can hardly happen, it is not impossible for it to happen.

But they could also indicate that your cat has eaten the feces of an animal, or licked the oil of a car. In this case the cat will also present symptoms of toxicity such as:

  • Vomiting in cats
  • Tremor
  • Diarrhea in cats
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Foam from the mouth.

In addition, the feline may have black gums even if it has drunk stagnant or muddy water, it happens to cats that have the opportunity to stay outside the home.

In this case, care must be taken that the cat has not contracted infections such as:

  • Leptospirosis
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Giardiasis

Finally, if your kitty has black gums, he could have gum disease .

The cat has black gums: what to do?

If your four-legged friend has black gums, and does not have an orange coat, it is necessary to highlight the cause of the sudden color of the cat’s gums.

In the event that it is a tumor or gum disease, it is necessary to take your furry friend to the vet, who with various analyses will determine the diagnosis and will recommend the suitable treatment to solve the problem.

If, on the other hand, the blackness of your cat’s gums is due to dirty water or food, it is very important to wash the mouth of your four-legged friend.

To brush your cat’s teeth, you need to have cat toothpaste and a cat toothbrush. After carefully brushing your cat’s teeth, you need to encourage the cat to drink to get rid of the black spots.

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