The benefits of exercise for dog health

Exercise is one of the fundamental elements that contribute to ensuring that your dog always enjoys excellent health. Outdoor games and activities are the secret to the happiness of every animal. A well-being that is apparently only physical but which also has a positive effect on the psychological sphere of your four-legged friend.

Exercise for a healthier, happier dog

All dogs should engage in daily physical activity. Of course, always in a way that suits your individual characteristics. In short, respecting race, age, weight … and so on.

However, when the time is right, contact your veterinarian for a complete analysis of the animal . Your doctor will be able to tell you if the dog you have can move and exercise without limitations or contraindications. Kind of like when people go to the doctor before they start playing sports.

In general, the best solution is for you to play and move with your pet. In case you have little time to devote to it , we recommend that you:

  • Enroll the dog in an animal gym
  • Pay a dog sitter to take him for a walk and let him play
  • Take him to a training center that offers specific activities such as dog agility .

There are so many simple ways to give dogs the leisure and exercise they need for their health.

The benefits of motor activities for the dog are many. Thanks to these, it will be possible to improve the physical and mental health of your four-legged friend .

The importance of daily physical exercise

To fully understand the benefits of physical activity for dogs, just give a few examples. The first, very logical, concerns the dangers of poor movement. A dog that follows a very sedentary lifestyle has a serious chance of being overweight . If obese, it can develop diseases, even serious ones, such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiac or respiratory failure.

Similarly, there are specimens that, due to breed characteristics or size, need to burn calories. Insufficient exercise can make their temperament unstable , favoring agitated or even violence behaviors. Finally, from a psychologist point of view, the lack of activity and play causes your dog to suffer from:

  • Depression
  • Stress
  • States of anxiety
  • Apathy
  • Aggression

Additional benefits of physical activity for the dog

If that doesn’t sound like enough, there are other benefits to a lifestyle interspersed with correct play and movement. Here’s how it improves a well-trained dog’s overall well-being:

  • Stronger and more elastic joints and bones .
  • Better functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Greater obedience .
  • Better sleep and rest.
  • Increased bond with the owner (for this reason it is important that you accompany him).
  • Greater sociability.
  • Decreased barking and barking .
  • Development of cognitive skills.

What physical exercises should your dog do?

The simplest and most natural option is certainly to walk the animal every day, for at least a couple of hours . A nice walk in the open air is good for him and for you. However, there are other very interesting alternatives.

We’re not just talking about releasing him and letting him run around in safe and controlled areas, or throwing his favorite toy at him. A great idea is to leave the house to go running together . You can also use the bike or skates, so that it runs faster and burns more calories and fat.

Remember to always carry an adequate supply of water . Attention then to any signs of tiredness or fatigue, in front of which it will be necessary to stop physical exercise instantly.

Tips for playing sports with your dog

Whenever you plan a physical activity for dogs, you will need to consider these four elements:

  • Choose soft surfaces . If you decide to take your dog for a run, it is preferable to identify areas with less hard soil. A beach or thick grass is ideal. A good 20 minute ride is more than enough.
  • If, on the other hand, you prefer to walk or march at high speed, never exceed the maximum of one hour per day .
  • The fetch game, that is with the throwing of an object, is suitable for hyperactive dogs or dogs that have a tendency to bite and destroy things.
  • If you have the opportunity, you can also swim with your dog . Besides being a healthy sport, dogs like water a lot.

We have seen a series of tips and advice on how to get your dog to exercise properly. Do a traditional check-up at the vet, tie your sneakers and go, in the fresh air, with your friend.

You will play sports together and you will have a stronger, more beautiful, healthy and certainly happy animal .

Dog BehaviorDog Food and Nutrition
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Dog HealthTips for Dog Owners
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