The 6 basics of canine psychology

Many owners complain when the dog does not obey, does not rush when called or has bad behavior (for example a destructive attitude). Often this happens because the basics of canine psychology are ignored. To avoid problems with your four-legged friend or to correct any behaviors already developed, we reveal the six basics of canine psychology that will help you understand him better.


People are social beings and they need to share and establish relationships with others. This need, however, is not exclusive to humans, but also affects other species and is the basis of the domestication process. The relationship becomes so close that in some cases the human being becomes the main social bond of the pet, replacing his own congeners. This is particularly evident in dogs, where the relationship becomes very similar to that between father and son.

It can therefore be concluded that the domestic dog creates its social relationships by taking the relationship it establishes with its owner as a model. And it will become more and more important as the dog’s other bonds develop, including those with other animals . Hence the importance of dedicating quality time to your dog through games, caresses, education and socialization.

The bond with the owner, therefore, causes the dog to develop a certain type of behavior, whether it is good or bad. Excessive nervousness, aggression or destructive behavior depends on the relationship you have built.


In order to have a balanced dog it is necessary to keep him in contact with other people or animals, once the cycle of vaccinations is over . Dogs are social beings who need company.  It will be useful to make them socialize not only with animals or strangers, but also with new environments . This way they will always know how to behave, for example, when they go out for a walk, when they hear a  noise or when they get into the car .

Many of the behavioral problems in dogs are related to a lack of socialization. For this reason it is better to get them used to them as puppies, always under your supervision.


Dogs are descended from wolves and if there is anything they have kept it is the need for a hierarchy within their social circle. The dog, to our advantage, has taken on a submissive role in the domestic hierarchy through domestication. This position must be maintained to prevent the animal from starting a struggle for power at home.

You know his past

Knowing your dog’s past is important because it will make you understand the origin of many of his behaviors and how to solve some problems. Usually a dog that has lived on the street or has suffered abuse or other types of deficiencies, will show signs of stress, depression, aggression, excessive attachment to the owner or will be possessive towards objects, people, food.

Other times the behavioral problems arise from the state of health. If you notice sudden changes in your dog’s attitude or other signs such as discomfort or pain, it will be best to take him to the vet right away to understand what is happening to him.


If your dog is overly possessive of food, he may also have been hungry at some point in his life or may not have learned to socialize while eating.

Feed your dog several times a day with a rich and varied diet: this will reassure him and avoid the boredom of always eating the same things.

Education is not a question of race

Remember, if you want to get into canine psychology, the first thing you need to understand is that you train the dog and not the breed. The basic principles of dog education and mental health apply to all breeds. Movement, affection, nutrition and socialization are the fundamental bases for having a balanced and happy dog.

Dog BehaviorDog Food and Nutrition
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Dog HealthTips for Dog Owners
PuppiesDog Breeds
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