Thai cat care: brushing, bathing, grooming tips

Here are all the tricks to put into practice to take better care of the Thai cat, keeping it beautiful and healthy.

Brushing the coat of your four-legged friend and taking care of his hygiene are not actions that affect only the mere aesthetic sphere. Taking care of the Thai cat, in fact, guarantees the cat a peaceful and healthy life: let’s find out how to do it.

Hair care of the Thai cat

How to take care of the hair of the Thai cat? The specimens of this breed are wrapped in a short and dense coat, which does not require particular attention.

Losing a minimum amount of hair, therefore, it is sufficient to brush the four legs 1-2 times a week, increasing the frequency during the moulting period.

In this way, it will be possible to prevent the formation of knots and hairballs, as well as promptly identify the presence of fleas and ticks.

Of course, it is essential to apply the pesticide to the feline, respecting the deadlines that guarantee its effectiveness.

How to make his coat really shiny? First of all, taking care of his diet as best as possible, which must be balanced and healthy.

Bathing the Thai cat yes or no?

Having your four-legged friend is not necessary: ​​domestic cats are extremely clean animals and attentive to their personal hygiene.

In some cases, however, it may be necessary to bathe the cat.

The precautions to be put into practice concern:

  • the temperature of the water, which should be warm and pleasant for the cat;
  • the type of detergent, choosing a product specially formulated for the cat’s skin;
  • the complete drying of the hair. If the animal is not afraid of the hairdryer, you can proceed using the hairdryer. If not, you will have to gently rub his coat with a cloth until it is completely dry. The risk, in fact, is that the cat gets sick.

Cleaning of teeth, ears and eyes

Finally, we just have to discover the latest tips on the care of the Thai cat.

First of all, maximum attention to the oral hygiene of the cat. The accumulation of plaque and bacteria, in fact, could cause the onset of unpleasant diseases of the oral cavity.

Among these, for example, the most common are periodontitis, stomatitis and gingivitis.

For this reason, it is essential to regularly clean your feline’s teeth. How to do? With the help of special toothbrushes and toothpastes for cats.

Alternatively, sanitizing solutions are available on the market that can be spread directly on the cat’s teeth and remove food residues.

Of course, Thai cat care also includes regular eye and ear inspection.

In fact, it can happen that the accumulation of excess secretions causes the appearance of irritation and infections.

For this, it is good to periodically remove the ear wax from the cat’s ears. Warning: never use cotton buds or devices designed for human use!

In pet shops you can buy sanitizing sprays intended for use on the animal.

A home remedy, on the other hand, consists in dabbing the cat’s eyes and ears with a gauze slightly soaked in warm water.

Thai cat nail care

Finally, we just have to answer one last question: cut the nails to the Thai cat yes or no?

There is no single answer to this question. In fact, everything depends on the lifestyle and age of the individual specimen.

If it is an active and young cat, which will sharpen its claws by itself, it will not be necessary to intervene.

If, on the other hand, the four-legged is elderly and leads a sedentary life, it may be necessary to trim them with a special nail clipper.

How to do? You need to press lightly on the cat’s paw to get the claw out completely.

After that, we will have to be careful to remove only the most external and non-vascularized part of the nail.

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