Tail necrosis in cats: what you need to know

Tail necrosis in cats, a serious physical condition for the animal. Let’s see everything important to know about this feline tail disease and what can be done to help our furry one.

Living with a cat soon teaches us how important its tail is to him. The furry, in fact, uses the long and soft tail to communicate with his master and with those around him. It is a fundamental part of the body to inform us about his intentions and also about his state of health. The cat moves its tail continuously, each time to tell us something different: if it is calm or nervous, if it is scared or not well. Without it, the animal would be in serious trouble. So let’s see what tail necrosis in cats consists of and what we can do for them.

Tail necrosis in cats: all causes of this disease

Tail necrosis, also called “Ring tail”, is a pathology that affects the tail of our animal. But what is it due to? Let’s find out together in the article.

We know how much cats love their tail. The animal uses this part of the body to survive, together with us or if we live in solitude. The feline tail means communication of emotions, externalization of discomfort and an alarm signal in case of danger. Each movement of the tail in this animal is a clear message addressed to whoever is in front of it, man or animal.

Unfortunately, it can happen that suddenly its tail does not move anymore or that the cat drags it with difficulty and that, even, it causes pain if we try to touch it. There are causes that cause discomfort and pain in the cat’s tail. Here’s what they are.

The tail necrosis in the feline, also called “ring tail”, is a disease that manifests itself through some symptoms: its tail swells and becomes red, it is dehydrated and with annular constrictions, hence the name by which it is recognized. We are talking about a disease which, in the most serious cases, can lead to gangrene, the detachment of a part of it and involve other parts of the body, such as the kidneys of the animal.

The main causes of necrosis

When the cat stops moving its tail and painfully drags it with it, soft on contact, it is most likely experiencing this bad condition. The first cause of the terrible disease is usually a not very humid environment or with too high temperatures. The necrosis of his tail, in fact, can depend on a previous disease. This is the consequence of a poorly treated or untreated disease in the cat.

Identifying the correct cause of this physical condition in the dog is essential to intervene in the right way and help him. The causes of the broken tail are mainly domestic accidents : the cat may have crushed or fractured it, by some weight or under a door. There are injuries to the cat’s tail and trauma born in the most common situations. Events such as those mentioned can cause its paralysis or damage to the nerves present in it.

It is necessary to immediately analyze the condition of the tail in the feline, as certain damages can lead to permanent immobility and a state of total necrosis. If the cat has a broken tail, is unable to lift it and is in deep pain, it is necessary to act promptly to be able to treat it better.

Cat with a sore tail: what can we do

There are methods to understand the condition of trauma or necrosis of the tail in the cat. Here are the tips on how to behave with your pet in this delicate situation.

In the case of suspected necrosis of the tail in the furry cat, the first thing to do is to check by touch what symptoms it presents. We touch its tail to understand what our cat’s reaction may be. We immediately observe how the cat moves its tail, if it makes abnormal movements and if there are bites and wounds. It is these that cause necrosis in the cat and make the situation worse.

If we stimulate its tail and the cat meows and complains of pain, managing to lift it badly and only partially, it is necessary to move immediately and take it to the trusted veterinarian for a complete check-up. In the presence of an abscess in the cat, the vet will decide on a wound courettage and will provide antibiotics suitable for the feline. If the tail appears soft and immobile, it means that it is about to detach from the body.

Only the intervention of the expert doctor will be able to avoid the most dramatic consequence for the cat, namely the amputation of the tail. If it were a fracture or paralysis, unfortunately, the doctor may decide to amputate the tail. The important thing, in any case, is to intervene immediately and in the right way to help the animal, to avoid painful and terrible physical consequences to the cat.

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