Synoviosarcoma in cats: causes, symptoms and treatment

Synoviosarcoma in cats: a bone tumor that can affect our four-legged friend. Here are the symptoms, causes and treatment of this pathology.

Anyone living with a four-legged friend is aware that the animal is not always in good health. Just as happens to the human being, our beloved feline could also have ailments that can be more or less serious.

Below we will see what are the causes and symptoms of synoviosarcoma, a tumor that can affect both felines and dogs.

Synoviosarcoma in cats: causes and symptoms

The sinoviosarcoma is a secondary bone cancer, which, although it could hit the cat rarely, should not be underestimated.

Secondary bone tumors are classified into two types: metastatic , that is, tumors that spread through the metastases of other tumors, and invasive, that is, tumors that spread by proximity, as they are close to other bone tumors.

The sinoviosarcoma is a cancer that originates from bone metastases arise from primary bone tumors and tumors in other organs. The symptoms of this pathology are:

  • The pain
  • Swollen tissues in the vicinity of the affected joint
  • Lung metastases
  • Metastasis to the lymph nodes
  • Limp cat 
  • Swelling of the affected joint
  • Fractures.

Synoviosarcoma in cats: diagnosis and therapy

To diagnose the synovosarcoma in the feline, the same tests performed by the veterinarian are performed to diagnose the osteosarcoma in the cat, that is:

  • Complete visit
  • Biopsy
  • Histological examination.

As for the therapy of this pathology, most likely the specialist will opt for the amputation of the affected limb from the cat, in this case the life expectancy of our four-legged friend will be extended.

As there are few cases of feline synovosarcoma, there is no certainty that chemotherapy and radiotherapy will help for this pathology.

The life expectancy of your feline depends on the degree of malignancy of the tumor and the possible presence of metastases. In these cases, the cat may be a few months old.

For this reason it is very important to diagnose this pathology in time , so that the cat can be treated in time and live longer.

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