Symptoms of bleeding in dogs

When we decide to adopt a dog we must be really sure. In fact, in addition to our affection and our attention, we must also take care of his health. They should be taken to the vet regularly, even if they do not show any symptoms of disease.

For this reason, today we will talk about bleeding in dogs,  and the symptoms that can help us understand if our friend suffers from this health problem. Below we will give you a series of  tips and recommendations to detect and recognize the symptoms that may make you think that your dog is suffering from bleeding.

Causes of bleeding in dogs

Bleeding in dogs can be due to several causes. The main cause is severe trauma, but it can also be caused by a hematoma or, at worst, by a tumor.

Accident or trauma

Very often, unfortunately, dogs are victims of accidents that cause immediate death due to enormous blood loss. However, on other occasions it may happen that this blood loss is internal, mainly due to damage to the liver or spleen, the two organs most affected. For this reason, if your dog has had an accident, you must take him to the vet immediately even if he apparently has no visible injuries or damage.

Abdominal hematoma

Blood accumulates inside the abdomen, forming bruises due to the rupture of blood vessels linked to the spleen. This can also be caused by minor traumas that are not visible and difficult to detect .


Another cause of bleeding can be a tumor ,  especially in the blood vessels. Most of these tumors are malignant and quite aggressive. The breeds most likely to suffer from this type of cancer are the German Shepherd and the Golden Retriever.


Coagulopathy, or bleeding disorder, is an alteration of the clotting process that does not happen correctly. The origin of this disorder lies in the blood vessels and the effect is regular blood loss.

Symptoms of bleeding

It is very important to always be very attentive to changes in your dog’s behavior, for example if he suddenly seems tired or does not want to play anymore. In addition, other changes of a physical nature must be taken into consideration.

Blood loss through natural orifices

It is necessary to observe if there are traces of blood in the urine , because rectal bleeding is very common in dogs. But it should also be observed if there is any bleeding from the nose or ears. If there is damage in the mouth, throat or lung area, the dog may vomit blood.

Low body temperature

Every now and then you need to check your dog’s body temperature. The average temperature of a dog ranges from 37.7 to 39.1, if the temperature drops below 37, it means that our dog is sick.  

White gums

In dogs, pink gums are a symptom of good health, unlike pale and white gums that have to put us to attention: it could be an internal bleeding.

Breathing and fatigue

You have to observe the dog closely to see if he is breathing or panting strangely and for no apparent reason. If we notice an alteration in the rhythm of his breathing, it is a sign that something is wrong.

If your dog is normally lively, loves to play and have fun and suddenly you notice that he does not want to go out or play and does not greet you in an euphoric way when you return home as he usually did, it could be due to internal bleeding. you did not notice.

How to cure bleeding in dogs?

While it may seem strange, internal bleeding is much more common than you might think, but it can also be resolved without much consequence, unless, of course, it is due to something serious. The treatment to be followed will depend on the cause of the bleeding.

If you observe any of the symptoms mentioned above, it is very important that you take  your dog to the vet as soon as possible. Certainly tests will be suggested, such as blood or stool tests, or an endoscopy . Do not be scared in this case, it is the protocol to be followed to rule out possible diseases.

It is very important not to let our dogs eat the bones,  as they could cause constipation and subsequent blood loss. Also you have to be careful with their diet and  not offer them leftovers. He will have to follow a  balanced diet to avoid flu and constipation.

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