Sterilization of the Cat: what is important to know

The sterilization of the cat is a very important decision and, at times, necessary for our feline. Let’s try to understand what it is specifically, when is the right time to do it and what the consequences may be.

Our dear friend cat puts all his will to live well with us, in our home environment. For such a free and particularly instinctive creature, it is not always easy to resist its nature as a great predator and prey animal, at the same time. Especially if you have a cat as a furry friend, it is difficult to be able to control her in a closed place like home. Let’s see, therefore, why the sterilization of the cat is necessary to make her life at home more peaceful and her life outside safer.

The sterilization of the cat: how and when it is important to propose it

The sterilization of our cat can avoid many diseases and problems for her health and prevent unwanted litters and any inconvenience for the feline. Let’s see what are the reasons for sterilization in the cat and when is the best time to do it.

First of all, before talking about the sterilization of the cat, we need to talk about the female’s oestrus cycles. A cat that is not fertilized can face numerous oestrus cycles, which can be of two types: ovulatory and anovulatory. The ovulatory cycle consists of a normal cycle, with arousal and ovulation phase. The anovulatory cycle, on the other hand, includes only the follicular phase, without ovulation. It is a phase of sexual calm, with the continuation of its normal cycle. But what does it mean to sterilize the cat?

The sterilization of the cat, also called ovariectomyconsists in the removal of the ovaries through an incision in the abdomen. It can be decided to carry out this intervention in the cat when the female enters the fertile age, a phase that reaches between 6 and 9 months. To understand when is the right time to be able to sterilize our cat, however, we need to consider other aspects of the animal, which are:

  • The breed : each breed reaches puberty at different ages; long-haired cats, for example, reach fertile age later, around 12 months.
  • The season of birth : cats born in the cold months are earlier than those born in the warm months.
  • The weight : the cat must have completed the development of her breed.
  • Sun exposure : a cat that is exposed to the sun regularly can reach fertile age earlier.
  • Stressful situation : when the cat lives with other cats, perhaps stronger, her puberty can delay.

The intervention of sterilization of the cat is quite delicate and takes place in absolute safety, under total anesthesia and lasts half an hour. This is a routine operation for the veterinarian consisting, as we have mentioned, in the removal of the ovaries and, at times, in the removal of a large part of the uterus. In a normal condition, the cat can be sterilized in the sixth month, before the cat goes into heat. Furthermore, the operation can prevent breast cancer in the cat by 90%.

This is just one of the benefits of neutering for the feline. Let’s see what the other pros of this surgery are, along with some negative consequences for the furry one.

The feline and castration: advantages and risks for the animal

There are many possible benefits of neutering a cat that can improve the quality of her life. Along with these, however, some post-surgery disadvantages can also occur. Let’s see better in the article.

The sterilization of the cat has very valid reasons that make it so important for the animal and that cause it to be taken into consideration. The advantages of this operation for the female feline are:

  • Reduction of sexually transmitted diseases : such as FIV, or feline immunodeficiency virus, feline leukemia in cats , diseases that are transmitted during mating, through bites.
  • Reduction of sexual behaviours : they occur when the cat marks the territory with urine, meows and rubs against us. The cat also rubs itself on objects in some cases.
  • Reduction of stress in the cat , such as excessive sexual desire and problematic pregnancies.
  • Prevention of very serious diseases : such as breast tumors and feline pyometra, or infection of the uterus.

In addition to the prevention of diseases and the improvement of some conditions, neutering allows the cat to fight more malignant breast tumors, which are higher in cats than in bitches. Uterus tumors in cats can also be prevented. But with this operation, can the cat also suffer disadvantages? There is no definitive answer.

Sterilizing the cat at the right age, mature to face it and without previous problems, can lead to a possible increase in hunger and a consequent increase in the weight of the feline. More attention to her diet will be needed to help her get back in shape. But if the cat lives in the house with us and does not have easy access to external reality, sterilization can only prevent the diseases we have talked about and reduce the sexual stress due to mating failure.

For some, the sterilization of the female is unfair: the truth is that, if the cat is locked in the house, without the possibility of being able to mate and live a pregnancy,  she cannot reproduce and can therefore risk not continuing her species. It is up to the conscience of his owner and his family to make a decision on the matter and think well about his condition and the future that they want to give to their domestic cat.

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