Seasonal cat allergies: ten natural and simple remedies for your cat

Just like humans, cats can also suffer from seasonal allergies. So, here are ten possible, simple and completely natural remedies to help you overcome them!

If our cat has seasonal allergies, we may want to avoid using drugs and medications to treat them. There are many natural substitutes to traditional steroids and medications, which could help our kitty effectively. Many drugs have contraindications, and side effects that can be very annoying for our cat. In any case, a check-up by our veterinarian is essential to verify that it is indeed a seasonal allergy.

10 natural remedies for seasonal cat allergies

Seasonal allergies can cause various annoyances and problems for the cat: sneezing, excess mucus, coughing, excessive tearing, inflammation of the sinuses, skin irritations (rashes, hot spots, for example). 

Our natural remedies can resolve these symptoms, without the potential side effects that various medications have. In any case, it is always necessary to ask our veterinarian for advice first, to avoid worse problems for our cat in case of intolerances or specific conditions.


One of the most famous and used natural substances (even by us humans), chamomile contains an active ingredient such as apigenin, which works in a similar way to aspirin. In fact, it inhibits those chemicals that cause inflammation.

In addition, chamomile can be used as a mild antiseptic: it can kill bacteria and yeasts, and can improve the healing of open wounds, in case your cat has scratched excessively by scratching or biting. 

In this case, it can be used as a topical spray, preparing it and cooling it (in case your cat is not very familiar with the sprays, we can use it by dipping a comb in the chamomile). And again, a drop of vinegar mixed with chamomile can provide an excellent ear cleaner.


Quercetin is a plant pigment (or bioflavonoid) found in many vegetables and fruits and has great health benefits for cats. It has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and antifungal properties, making it an excellent natural remedy against seasonal allergies in our cat.

It is a real natural antihistamine, because it suppresses these substances that cause the symptoms of allergies (histamines, in fact). It can help inhibit bronchial constriction, the main cause of coughing during allergic attacks. For the appropriate dosage to provide to our pet, we ask your veterinarian for advice.

Papain and bromelain

These two natural enzymes, papain and bromelain, are found the former in papaya (hence its name), and the latter in pineapple. They are often used in combination with quercetin, because they have the power to make this substance absorb faster by the body. Additionally, they suppress histamines (causes of inflammation and allergic symptoms), and reduce inflammation of mucous membranes and other irritated parts, providing some pain relief.

Fish oil

We can add some fish oil (usually found in cans) to our cat’s food. This is an excellent source of Omega 3, a fatty acid that helps strengthen skin immunity, is an anti-inflammatory (can reduce hot spots and itchiness), and also reduces secondary infections. Using cod liver oil is not recommended, as it is too rich in vitamins A and D, which are not good for the cat.

Coconut oil

The lauric acid contained in coconut oil can fight the production of yeast, one of the possible causes of inflammation. Additionally, coconut oil has antioxidant properties, to help repair dry skin and reduce itching, thanks to its ability to prevent cell damage.

Coconut oil can be used safely, topically: it is not toxic if the cat licks it from its coat, and if we add some in its food it can serve to improve the health of its coat and skin.

Roots: dandelion (or dandelion) and cat’s claw

The root of the dandelion (a flower very famous since ancient times for its medical qualities) contains cortisol, a substance that suppresses the immune system’s response to allergies, which causes itching: the same principle used by drugs containing steroids.

Dandelion root (another name for dandelion) can be helpful for digestion and detoxifying the liver. Cat’s claw, another flower very famous for its medical benefits on felines, can regulate the functions of the immune system. Both of these roots can be applied topically against itching, or administered in the form of herbal tea or infusion.

Lactobacillus acidophilus

Lactobacillus acidophilus is a good bacterium, useful for regulating the digestive system (it is also commonly used in probiotics for humans) and the immune system. When these two systems are in fact in shape, our cat will be less at risk of developing possible seasonal allergies. If they are already present, it can prevent them when used as a supplement to your food.


For quick itch relief, a bath in oatmeal is a really good idea – of course, getting your cat to soak in the tub won’t always be easy. But if your cat is used to the bathroom, we may be able to use this natural remedy for inflammation.

In fact, oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties, so as to give immediate relief in case of itching with a simple bath. It also contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals, which can heal the skin (hot spots and irritated areas, above all).

Licorice root

Licorice root has a flavor that cats often like, but it’s also a great natural replacement for cortisone. It can help regulate the immune system (just like steroid drugs), and can calm the mucous membranes.

These are not the only benefits of licorice root for our cat: it can relieve respiratory and digestive problems, it has anti-inflammatory properties, detoxifies the liver and helps in case of arthritis. A real natural cure-all!

Apple cider vinegar

A wash with apple cider vinegar can help our cat to remove substances that irritate its skin, thanks to its antibacterial and antibiotic properties (even if mild), and its ability to treat acne, ringworm and fleas and to remove allergens.

For a good natural cleanser, we mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water (alone, undiluted, it would be too strong for our kitty’s skin), and apply this mix with a soft, clean cloth (or even a paper towel) on the areas to be cleaned. It can also be used to clean the ears.

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