Safe Christmas party foods for Cats

Does your cat want to participate in Christmas lunches and dinners? Perfect, but always with an eye to the food that may be suitable for the cat.

This year the pandemic will certainly make a difference in the Christmas habits and traditions of many families, and this can lead to problems for those who have a cat at home. Anyone who has a cat who wants to taste some typical Christmas food may need to be a lot more careful, as there will probably be fewer guests at home and therefore less control.

Some human foods are not suitable for our four-legged friends, and we must be very careful or they could also seriously harm our cat. But not all of them.

Christmas foods suitable for cats

As we have often remembered, it is always better to be well informed before feeding our pets for the first time. We will avoid problems.

Some traditional Christmas treats are irresistible to us humans, and may even appeal to our cat. But we must be careful which foods are suitable for the cat.

An example of typical Christmas food in many households is turkey, all over the world. A little turkey can even be good for our cat, with a calming effect.

This type of meat, in fact, contains an amino acid, tryptophan, which has a calming effect on people and pets. But we must serve it to the cat carefully.

To give turkey to our cat, it is best to first rinse the meat in warm water, in order to eliminate all spices and other potentially dangerous condiments.

Garlic, onion and salt, really appetizing for us, are instead harmful for our cat. Better therefore to eliminate them. And, as always, the quantities of meat must be moderate.

Other safe foods for our cat are:

  • Chicken, perhaps used minced to create meatballs, strictly without spices;
  • Sweet potatoes, whether steamed or mashed, but always natural;
  • Cranberry sauce, a sweet treat for the kitty, with a lick or two at the most;
  • Mashed pumpkin, which can be useful for preventing diarrhea or constipation, with a spoonful of pumpkin cream;
  • Steamed green beans, without seasonings and chopped, are excellent sources of fiber;
  • Salmon, strictly unseasoned, grilled or canned. This type of fish contains a lot of omega 3 fatty acids for cats, which are very good for you. Attention to the packaged type, let’s make sure that the sodium content is low;
  • Cinnamon, for example used to flavor some dishes;
  • Tuna, in controlled quantities and without oil in the case of cans;
  • Honey, but only for cats who don’t have diabetes.

Christmas foods unsafe for cats

Our list of Christmas treats not suitable for our four-legged friends is obviously much larger, and must be kept in mind these days.

In addition to the usual foods and ingredients that we have often talked about, such as chocolate, grapes, dairy products, sweets (pandoro and panettone), here are other examples:

  • Turkey or chicken skin, especially if seasoned and spiced (garlic, onions, various seasonings), can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and pancreatitis in cats;
  • Raisins, like grapes are loaded with sugar and can cause digestive problems or choking;
  • Pumpkin pie, even if it is not a typical dessert of our country, is gaining momentum on the Christmas tables. Not good for the cat, given the high sugar content;
  • Sauces, gravies and fillings that are too fatty or salty, which can lead to stomach problems, diarrhea and vomiting;
  • Macadamia nuts, which can lead to vomiting, stomach pain, tremor, muscle weakness
  • Sweets, of all kinds, which can hurt the cat that ingests or licks them;
  • Alcohol, which can weaken, drunk, depress pets even up to a coma. Even a single teaspoon of alcohol can lead to toxicity in cats.
  • Any type of food with onions and similar vegetables (garlic, chives, leeks, shallots), which can lead to anemia, mucosal problems, weakening of red blood cells.

And of course, we pay attention to leftovers, including any chicken or turkey bones, kitchen accessories (string, skewers, etc.) that can attract the cat.

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