Sacred Cat of Burma: appearance, character, care, breeding

A cat that loves company and establishes a strong bond with its owner

The sacred cat of Burma has a stop-free nose, large, well-placed ears and eyes of perfect blue

Its beauty is given by the contrast between the color of the coat, which tends to be light with a dark muzzle, and its sapphire blue eyes: we are talking about the sacred cat of Burma, a sociable feline, with an elegant bearing and soft fur. Its origins are shrouded in mystery …

Sacred Cat of Burma : its story

What is known for certain is that the first sacred cat of Burma was a female who arrived in France in 1919 as a gift. Major Gordon Russell received it as a thank you for saving Lao Tsun’s temples .

A legend says that the sacred cat of Burma was born by divine will. In a monastery in Burma there was a white cat with yellow eyes , a faithful companion of one of the monks devoted to the goddess Tsun Kian Kse .

During the onslaught of the infidels, the master was killed. The cat climbed onto its master’s body, staring at the goddess icon, waiting for a spell to bring it back to life. Moved by so much fidelity, the goddess decided to turn her fur into gold and her eyes into sapphires. A change that applied to all the descendants of the feline, thus giving life to the breed of the sacred cat of Burma.

Sacred Cat of Burma : appearance

The sacred cat of Burma has a medium size and a longer build than the legs. The profile is delicate and well proportioned, in fact the nose has no stop, the chin falls straight on the nose and the head is heart-shaped: not too round, not too angular.

The eyes are a clear blue , with no streaks or shades of green. The ears are small and arched, the feet small and oval and it has no undercoat.

Despite its slender build, which gives it an elegant bearing, the sacred cat of Burma has a medium size and excellent musculature, which it conceals under a thick, medium-long and silky coat .

The colors range from seal-point (dark gray tending to black) with blue-point variant (lighter gray tending to lilac), the most classic, to chocolate through red and cream, but always in the Siamese-type mottled version. .

In reality this cat is born white, its particular color is defined after a year and in the winter season.

Sacred Cat of Burma : character

Sociable, docile, this cat loves family life but is also very curious. So pay attention to the pots on the fire, don’t leave small objects lying around and give them space to get out.

Elegant, faithful, he is also a great playful, which is why he gets along very well with children .

During meals, the male lets the female and the puppies first feed themselves, for this reason, as well as alert and active , the sacred cat of Burma has earned the nickname of ‘gentle cat’.

This cat has another specificity: unlike other cat breeds, it tends to create a very intimate bond with its owners, so much so that it comes to imitate their attitudes .

Sacred Cat of Burma : care and breeding

This cat does not require special care, except those related to the maintenance of its coat. To keep it smooth and shiny, just brush it at least twice a week with a carder.

As for food, he appreciates both wet and dry, which he can handle on his own. Therefore it is a feline that does not tend to obesity.

Sacred cat of Burma : prices

In USA there are some certified breeding of this cat. Prices are around $800 USD . For racing specimens, you can touch the ceiling of the $1500 USD. But it is also possible to find some puppies online, as a gift or for sale at a lower price.

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