Pulmonary Capillaries in cats: symptoms and treatment of the problem

Pulmonary capillary disease in cats is a rare and little known disease, however it can occur in cats. Let’s see together what are the symptoms and the therapy of this disease.

There are many diseases that can affect our feline friends. Some are common, others are very rare. Among the latter we find pulmonary capillaries.

This disease is typical of foxes, but it can also affect our four-legged friends. Let’s see together what are the symptoms and the right therapy for pulmonary capillaryosis in cats.

Pulmonary capillaryosis in cats: symptoms

Pulmonary capilariasis in cats is a parasitic disease caused by Capillaria aerophila.

These parasites often live in the bronchi and trachea, but can also mature in the external environment and then subsequently infest the animal’s organism.

The symptoms that can occur in cats with pulmonary capillaries are many, including:

  • Sneezing in the cat
  • Bronchitis in cats
  • Tracheitis
  • Rhinitis in the cat
  • Dyspnea
  • Open mouth breathing
  • Lung abscess
  • Pulmonary emphysema

In the most serious cases, death in the cat could also occur due to respiratory failure.

Pulmonary capillaryosis in cats: diagnosis and treatment

It is difficult to diagnose pulmonary capillaries in cats as the symptoms are non-specific.

However, we can know for sure if our furry friend has this pathology only if we find the eggs in the mucus or in the bronchial washing of the cat.

It is also possible to notice the eggs of these parasites even in the feces of our four-legged friend, for this reason the vet will be able to carry out an examination of the feces of the cat.


There is no specific therapy for pulmonary capillaries in cats, however being a parasitic disease of the lungs, it is possible that the vet may prescribe antiparasitic therapy to the cat, which can be oral or topical.

In severe cases, the specialist could opt for adequate supportive therapy, with oxygen intake. Furthermore, there is the possibility of using bronchodilators as well.

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