Protecting the cat’s paws from the heat: the dangers of summer outdoors

Summer is a great time, but there are so many dangers for our pets. The paws of the cat are very sensitive to heat and risk a lot.

One of the cutest and cutest parts of a cat are the paws. But they’re not only so adorable, they’re extremely interesting in how crafted they are. Their pads have a large number of nerve receptors, which cats use to both balance and hunt their prey. Furthermore, the fact that there are so many nerve receptors means that our cat’s paws are extremely sensitive. But precisely due to the high sensitivity that distinguishes them, the cat’s paws are very sensitive to pressure, pain and temperatures, especially in summer with the heat. Outdoors, cats can get even severe burns, and if the floor or asphalt they walk on is very hot, they could suffer nerve damage.

How to protect the cat’s paws from the heat

We have already explained in the past that it is better to have a cat live indoors, only letting him out when he can be safe and controlled, and always in confined spaces such as courtyards or fenced gardens. Life outside is full of dangers, although a cat – as a good explorer and hunter – feels its primitive call.

A good way to keep the cat indoors and let it go outside for a while is to install a tent in the garden, or a fence, to let our cat play in maximum safety without losing sight of it and without worries.

But in any case, when our cat is outdoors we must take care to keep his paws safe from the heat. Hot asphalt, overheating pavement, and any other type of surface can damage his delicate bearings.

Strengthen and care for the paws

Because your cat’s paws are so sensitive, it’s important to find ways to strengthen them and keep them neat and safe from heat (and more). Most cats that live outdoors tend to have more resistant pads than those who have a cat that lives alone in the house, because they grow stronger over time on their own.

But it is not impossible to improve the adaptability of the cat’s paws for outdoor life, and thus make them more resistant. With a rough scratching post or a surface where your cat can rub its paws, it will be easier for its pads to gain more strength.

And of course, the protection for our cat’s paws is essential. He may not be very happy to have a cream spread on his paws, but a balm that can fight burns and cracking of the skin, and protect them from the heat is very useful.

There are many paw balms, suitable for pets (both dogs and cats) because they are without toxic substances for our furry pets. They are also very useful in winter, to protect the paws of our four paws from the cold, ice and salt that can be found on the ground.

Another fundamental thing is to clean and check our cat’s paws daily. After he’s been outside, it’s important to check for any signs of damage to his pads and paws, or if there is any debris stuck between his toes. We gently clean the paws and apply the conditioner again if necessary.

This type of control for the care of the paws of our cat must not be done only if the cat lives outside: even if a cat lives only inside the house, it can face some danger for its paws, since it uses them to many things and must always remain perfectly in shape.

Check the surfaces your cat walks on

If possible, it would be better for our cat not to walk on a surface that tends to heat up (floor, asphalt, tiles, and similar materials), but to stay on the grass. Obviously not everyone can have the cat stay exclusively on a surface that does not heat up, but if possible it is better to use it.

Another good ally in the garden can be a gazebo for cats (a “Catio” ), as we have already pointed out when we talked about life outside for a cat living at home. Preventing your cat from having access to really hot floors is the easiest way to prevent damage to pads and paws.

Furthermore, when our cat is outdoors he must always have a sheltered and shaded area available, where he can rest and cool off but always at a close distance to be able to stay under control. There are also many cooling pads for pets, which can be really interesting for our kitty!

Having a cooling zone can help not only protect your cat’s paws from the heat, but also avoid other possible summer problems like dehydration and heatstroke. In the summer, it’s essential to have a little extra control over your kitty when he’s outdoors. If we notice any signs of excessive heat in the cat, let’s bring it inside right away to make sure it doesn’t run into anything serious.

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