Protecting the cat from the cold: useful tips

Protect the cat from the cold: even if it seems protected by its furry coat, the cat actually feels cold just like us. Here’s how to look after your cat in the winter.

Protecting the cat from the cold, useful tips

In winter, temperatures even drop below zero, there are many rainy days and sometimes you have to deal with ice and snow.
In these rigid months, what happens to our cat friend? Does the cat feel cold? How can we help him?

The fundamental problem to face for the cat in winter is that sometimes the hair is not enough to protect it from the cold and, unlike the dog, it is not possible to help the cat by making it wear a coat: how to behave, therefore, when it is cold outside and does the cat want to go out?

Let’s start by saying that not all cats feel cold in the same way. Some are more sensitive to low temperatures, just like people are. In general, the answer to the question “are cats cold?” Well yes. Especially when we are faced with hairless or little hairy breeds (such as the Sphynx or the Siamese), or if there are sick cats, puppies or elderly.

But how can we as owners behave to help our cat in winter? Let’s see the useful tips and precautions.

Protect your cat from the cold: here’s how to behave

Protecting your cat from the cold: useful tips for the winter

Even if your cat is used to leaving the house, it is possible that winter temperatures can discourage him: much better to stay indoors, perhaps dozing off by the stove or fireplace, while outside the winter is raging with rain and snow!

If, on the other hand, the cat does not want to stay home in the warmth, we can create areas outside for him that are sheltered, such as covered kennels just outside the house, perhaps equipped with warm and soft woolen blankets.

A good idea is to let your cat out outside only during the least cold hours, and keep him busy as much as possible by playing with him indoors during the day.
Also pay attention to the grooming of the hair: if your cat likes to go out even in winter you will have to take care of his coat more carefully, to stimulate the renewal of the undercoat and guarantee protection from the cold.

We never forget the importance of a healthy and balanced diet: especially in winter, the cat must be fed in the way that best suits its needs in order to remain strong and resistant to the coldest temperatures.

But be careful not to overdo the calories: if the cat in winter tends to be more lazy and active, staying at home for a long time lazing around cannot eat too much, or risks running into obesity problems.
Conversely, if your cat continues to maintain its habits and to leave the house, it will need to adjust its diet in order not to suffer from food or energy deficiencies: contact your veterinarian to find out more.

Finally, a piece of advice regarding the home environment: to protect the cat from the cold, you must take care to keep the windows closed and the heating on. When you are not at home, to avoid unpleasant accidents, avoid heating and leave your cat warm and comfortable places with blankets and hot water bottles. During the day, be careful to leave the curtains open for your cat to lie down and warm up in the shy winter sunlight.

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