Pixiebob Longhair Cat care: brushing, bathing and grooming tips

Here’s what to know about the care of the Pixiebob Longhair, to make sure that this little furry is always healthy and in excellent shape.

Is caring for a longhair cat always more challenging than a furry shorthair? In this article you will find the answer to this question, with all the information you need to know to take better care of the Pixiebob Shorthair.

Pixiebob Longhair care: brushing and bathing

Let’s open our article dedicated to the care of the Pixiebob Longhair with all the tips to put into practice for cleaning the coat of this cat.

First of all, even though it is a long-haired cat, this furry cat tends to shed little hair. For this, it is enough to brush it 3-4 times a week.

During the feline moulting period, however, it is recommended to increase the frequency to once a day.

What is the best tool to do this important task? It is recommended to use a wide toothed brush with soft bristles.

The ideal would be to proceed both in the direction in which the coat grows and against the grain. In this way, it will be possible to eliminate the layer of dead hair, favouring its regrowth.

Not only that: you will have the opportunity to inspect the cat’s fur, to promptly identify the presence of parasites.

Wash the cat yes or no? Generally, it is not recommended to bathe domestic cats, which in themselves are very scrupulous and attentive to their personal hygiene.

If it is an elderly cat or a veteran of an illness, however, it may have to be necessary.

In this case, it is essential to make sure that the water is warm and pleasant, as well as to make sure that the detergent used is specifically formulated for the delicate skin of the animal.

Once the operation is finished, after having thoroughly rinsed the furry cat, it will be necessary to dry it completely to prevent it from catching cold and getting sick.

How to make my cat’s coat shiny? In addition to the conditioner after washing, it is essential to plan a healthy and balanced diet.

Cleaning of eyes, teeth, nails and ears

Finally, we just have to find out how to take care of the eyes, nails, teeth and ears of the Pixiebob Longhair.

First of all, it is essential to take care of the cat’s oral hygiene. An accumulation of plaque and bacteria, in fact, would risk causing the onset of diseases such as stomatitis and gingivitis.

For this, it is recommended to regularly clean the cat’s teeth. To do this, you can use a spreadable cream to be distributed on the animal’s teeth, or use a special toothbrush and toothpaste available on the market.

Naturally, the care of the Pixiebob Longhair also includes cutting the hairy bear’s nails. It is not always a necessary operation.

In fact, if the cat is young and active, it will sharpen its claws by itself.

However, if your four-legged friend is elderly and sedentary, his nails may need to be trimmed.

In this case, it is essential to remove only the white, non-vascularized portion of the claw, to avoid injuring the cat.

Finally, equally important in feline care is the cleaning of the eyes and ears, which should be inspected regularly in order to remove any accumulations of secretion.

To do this, simply dab a gauze slightly moistened in warm water on the skin or mucous membranes of the cat.

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