Persian Cat: Food and Nutrition

What can differentiate the Persian cat from other cats is the relationship between what it eats and its activities.

The Persian cat is a  slow -moving cat  that is generally inactive and not excited. On the other hand, while licking it swallows balls of its long hairs which obstruct its  intestine .

In this case, you will have to pay particular attention to the diet of the Persian cat.

With a Persian cat, the accident must be on the preservation of the hair and on its  shine . A poorly groomed Persian cat looks miserable, even though it has eaten its fill.

Give him vitamins only on the advice of the veterinarian because if it is true that the Persian cat must be helped for his  intestinal transit , a bad distribution of vitamins could on the other hand harm him.

The Persian cat is a cat that can live in good health, but it is also a  rather fragile animal  that needs attentive care.

What does the Persian eat?

The Persian cat is a perfect  city ​​dweller . It is a delicate cat that does not expend a lot of energy: it must therefore receive sufficiently rich food but in small quantities.

He must also receive food that is easy to digest and that promotes his  intestinal transit .

Do not forget to give him the vitamins: they give him a  beautiful coat .

The  veterinarian  is the only person who can decide in favor of cooked or raw, depending on the state of health of your Persian cat. Usually it combines the two.

It would seem that a ration of a hundred grams per day of  boiled fish  or  grilled meat is  suitable for the average Persian cat.

But this must be determined according to your cat’s own size and not according to an average.

In the case of an older  or  very young cat  , finely  minced meat  is more suitable.

If your Persian cat has a prognathic jaw, that is to say a protruding jaw, it will have difficulty shredding pieces: it is, then, preferable to feed it with  minced meat .


In general, veterinarians recommend adding a small teaspoon  of oil  to the Persian cat’s diet once a week.

There too he will have his preferences, it is up to you to know how to recognize them.

You will have to be careful not to stain his collar when giving it to him, otherwise these drops of oil, falling, will form a ball of  sticky hair  that you will have to cut.

Margarine   and  lard  are reputed to be digestible and particularly energetic .

So, if you give it to your Persian cat, you will have to take into account the fact that he moves little, that he is not a great athlete.

Butter, rich in vitamin A, should in no case exceed 5% of the weight of its food.

The cat needs  fats of animal origin,  while its human master needs fats of vegetable origin.


It’s up to you to provide him with what he needs depending on the type of meat you give him:

  • lean meat
  • fatty meat

You can give the  fat from the ham  to your Persian cat, he likes it and digests it very well.


Pulses should be avoided, but green, cooked vegetables can be part of their diet. They supply him with vitamins in an appreciable proportion.

It should be noted that the cat likes asparagus. The Persian cat, more than any other, will need  vegetables  to facilitate its intestinal transit.

In the absence of vegetables that your Persian cat may refuse to swallow, you can give him green grass in the summer or  lettuce leaves  in the winter.

You have to present the  stalks of grass to him vertically , as in a bouquet, he will eat them by tilting his head to one side.

He will grab them with his molars and not with his front teeth. Cats also like the tender leaves  of celery heart .

You can also sow oat or barley seeds in a pot. He will take care of picking them himself according to his needs.

Meat for Persian Cat

Beef is the   most digestible. If it is too lean, it would be a good idea to add a little fat such as soybean oil  or a little  butter .

Mutton is also very digestible but it is better to choose the   leanest pieces.

Pork  , which is much more indigestible, is not recommended.

Veal  meat  will certainly please him. It is suitable for cats that need to follow a light diet.

It is only  a diet meat , which is insufficient, unless otherwise advised by your veterinarian, for a normal diet.

Pork   or  beef liver  are very rich. They must be boiled, because eaten raw they can cause vomiting and diarrhea by fermentation. About the diet of the Persian cat, the Persian cat being fragile intestines and digestive system, we must avoid him give certain foods that can lead to certain complications.

Kidneys are   excellent for the cat. They can be eaten cooked or raw, but since they are very rich, they should not be included in the Persian cat’s daily meal. they can be served once a week.

Beef  heart  is nutritious, it’s a muscle.

The lung must be cooked and come from healthy animals. Although bulky, it is very little nutritious.

It is not suitable for the Persian cat. It will fill his stomach when he certainly has a  small ball  of hair that already encumbers him.

Tripe  is very  nutritious   and very  energetic . but they are not suitable for the Persian cat which needs more refined food.

Especially since the tripe should be eaten without being washed to retain all of its nutritional value: this is how the poor hunters fed themselves.

Food requirements of the baby Persian Kitten

When your Persian cat is still a kitten and has just been weaned, that is to say around the age of 8 to 10 weeks, give it food supplements such as an  egg yolk raw , milk on a plate with some very finely chopped beef.

How to get him used to eating this on his own? Quite simply, by wetting your finger and giving it to him to lick.

You will lead him to the saucer and the food of the Persian cat. You will also get another result by doing this: you will create a  very strong bond  with your Persian cat.

You will thus impregnate it with yourself, this famous impregnation that Professor Lorentz discovered with his  greylag geese .

Weaning must be done gradually so that his  little stomach  gets used to it.

It is better to feed a kitten several times a day when it is very small, rather than giving it food once a day. It is better to break it up.

At 4 months, your Persian cat is well weaned and has become accustomed to its food rich in:

  • protein
  • mineral salts
  • vitamins

His teeth may be hurting him. The veterinarian will give you a  product  to relieve his pain, but never use products intended for your young children without talking to your veterinarian first.

Give him small cubes of  meat to shred  so that he exercises his young gums, to pass his toothaches.

Its meat must be at room  temperature ,  neither cold nor frozen . It would be a mistake to give him bones at this stage of his life, because he could injure his swollen gums.

A kitten should drink  plenty of water . He must have it constantly at his disposal and to get him used to it you must patiently let him taste it with your fingertip.

It should be non-icy cold water even in the middle of summer, otherwise he may get  diarrhea .

What Food should you avoid to give the Persian Cat

The cat does not eat like the man, so table scraps can only be a treat (to be avoided, but it pleases the master so much).

It is absolutely forbidden to give him  spicy meats .

Fresh bread is also forbidden, his stomach is not made to digest it.

You should avoid giving him  very hot foods  and  frozen foods . Your Persian cat would be able to override it out of greed, but it’s up to you to be more reasonable than him.

The Persian cat is an easy-going being. It’s a tricky one, but it accommodates your own whims. He is one of those who are not afraid of change.

You just have to observe one  imperative rule  : watch the quantity of his food taking into account the sensitivity of his digestive system.

The Persian cat needs a balanced diet of oil, fat and vitamins. He needs yeast in order for his skin to look  nice and well cared for .

The Persian cat has abundant fur, an abundant undercoat: its skin is therefore not very accessible and everything that can cause itching, anything that could be similar to eczema , must be avoided at all costs .

Brewer’s yeast helps prevent such  disorders .

Domesticated Persian Cat Food Habits

But the Persian cat has  been domestic  for so long that it is better not to play the naturalist.

It is said that raw meat facilitates the assimilation of phosphorus, that it is more digestible for a cat’s stomach, that it retains its minerals, its  chlorides  and its  phosphates .

But it is also said that cooked meat destroys the parasites that could infect your Persian cat, that it makes you lose the fats necessary for a  carnivorous stomach .

Feeding a Pregnant Persian Cat

The  pregnant cat  needs a more studied diet. It needs many food supplements:

  • yeast
  • calcium
  • vitamins

Balanced Diet for Persian Cat

However, it is better not to decide for yourself and to rely on the advice of your veterinarian who will establish a  balanced diet  suitable for your Persian cat.

It’s dangerous for fashion, or the fanciful advice of well-meaning friends.

Your Persian is likely to have  tantrums . The Persian cat is capricious, it seems that he is aware of his beauty, his superb fur and that he finds it normal that the world is at his feet.

Your Persian cat is going through a change in her body, and even though she was programmed to procreate, she feels this  change .

You can satisfy his whims, they will disappear with the birth. Otherwise… you will re-educate her!

Cat BreedsCat Food and Nutrition
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