Pad injury in cats: how to treat fingertip injuries

The fingertips of the cat are very delicate and can be injured due to various factors: here’s how to treat a wound to the pad in the cat.

The pads represent the fingertips of the cat‘s paws: these are patches of rough skin that are constantly in contact with the floor and ground, thus finding themselves always under strain because they support the weight of the entire animal and carry the cat’s body when walking, running and jumping or just standing.

Indispensable to protect the cat’s paws from direct contact with the ground, they are also very delicate and sensitive as well as constantly at risk of suffering small and large injuries, which if not treated carefully can turn into serious and painful wounds: this is why it is essential to know what to do in front of a cat pad wound, to be sure to intervene effectively, promptly and appropriately.

Pad wound in cats: all about paw injuries

Cats are beloved pets and are increasingly present in families: those who choose to adopt one must take responsibility for their health and well-being. Fingertip injuries are probably the most frequent among cats of all ages, so you must be prepared to deal with them in the best possible way: in most cases, they can be treated at home with simple remedies but you need to know when to seek the help of the veterinarian.

The most common causes of bearing injuries

Exactly as it happens for the injuries to the dog’s pads, also in the cat we find some more frequent causes for this type of accident:

– trauma wounds, when the cat cuts itself in contact with a blunt instrument, a splinter, a piece of glass or similar: it often happens to cats that leave the house and is usually a bleeding and deep injury;
– erosion or cracking wounds, when the cat scratches itself repeatedly in contact with rough terrain: it can be more or less deep and often appears dirty on the surface;
– burn wound, more common in dogs but also possible in cats, occurs due to being too hot or too cold like when the cat walks in the snow.

Cat pad wound care and treatment

As mentioned, if the wound to the pad reported by the cat is not serious, it can be treated at home: if the cut is deep, it is better to contact a veterinarian who will clean, disinfect and treat the lesion with any drugs. professional manner.

If the wound is not deep, therefore, you can proceed to clean and disinfect the affected part yourself at home: be careful to treat the cat calmly, gently and patiently because it could get scared and agitated because of the pain in the paw. Get everything you need before you start, then follow these steps:

– Start with cleaning: gently remove dirt, blood and debris with the help of gauze and then rinse the paw with warm water.
– Check the wound to the cat’s pad to check for any foreign bodies: if necessary, use tweezers to remove them but only if they are on the surface. If a splinter or other foreign body has penetrated deeply, it is advisable to take the cat to the vet.
– If there are no signs that the wound is serious, you can proceed to disinfect it at home: use hydrogen peroxide and a specific antibiotic ointment (ask your veterinarian for advice).
– Repeat the operation twice a day for the next 5 days.

If you prefer to use natural remedies to treat your cat, you can choose to disinfect the lesion with a cold decoction of chamomile or calendula instead of hydrogen peroxide.

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