Nutrition of Ural Rex Cat: food, quantity and frequency of meals

Here is what the Ural Rex should eat to always stay strong and healthy: let’s find out together what is the best diet for this cat.

The importance of the diet for the well-being of our four-legged friends is well known: the nutrients that the furry pets assimilate are essential not only to satisfy their energy needs, but also to allow them to carry out fundamental functions for their body. Let’s go to the discovery of all the information to know to make the feeding of the Ural Rex truly perfect.

Nutrition of the Ural Rex: doses and frequency of meals

To plan a suitable diet for our four-legged friend, it is advisable to ask about the doses of baby food to be given.

The quantity of food destined daily for the animal, in fact, must be sufficient to satisfy its energy needs, without risking to cause it to accumulate excess weight.

The best advice is to seek the advice of the veterinarian: the professional will identify the perfect dose based on the strictly individual characteristics of the animal, such as age, weight, lifestyle and health conditions.

As a guideline, the quantity of wet food should correspond to 40 grams for each kg of the animal’s body weight.

Once we have this figure, we will have to divide it by 3 to calculate the recommended daily amount of kibble.

What is the best time of day to feed Ural Rex?

We can do this twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening, or at regular intervals, to keep your energy levels constant.

In this case, an automatic kibble dispenser may also be useful, to be used when we are away from home.

What to feed the cat

What foods should you regularly give to specimens of this breed?

What cannot be missing in the perfect diet of the Ural Rex – as well as in that of any other domestic feline – are proteins of animal origin.

Meat and fish, in fact, are essential for the well-being of the cat. The reason?

From foods such as sea bass, salmon, beef, chicken, and rabbit, your cat takes in essential nutrients that its body cannot produce on its own.

These are substances such as niacin, thiamin and cobalamin, which ensure the proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems.

Attention, however, to the foods we bring to our table: they are completely unsuitable for the feline’s diet.

Their intake, in fact, could determine the onset of disorders such as nausea, diarrhea, gastroenteritis and even cat intoxication.

Home or industrial nutrition for the Ural Rex?

Finally, we just have to answer one last question about the nutrition of the Ural Rex: is it better to lean towards the home or industrial diet?

Both methods are valid, provided they are properly planned.

In the first case, we will have to take care of the preparation of the cat’s meals, starting from the purchase of raw materials to their cooking.

What are the pros and cons of home nutrition? Advantages include:

  • The ability to select first choice ingredients;
  • The right to decide on combinations and methods of food preparation.

The disadvantages of this type of diet, however, lie in the fact that it takes time and energy.

In addition, it should be planned by the vet so that the meals provide the pet with all the nutrients it needs, without risking unpleasant food shortages, which could cause health problems in the cat.

The other option, on the other hand, involves the purchase of ready-made baby food, directly from the shelves of specialized stores.

In this case, however, we will have to make sure of the goodness of the chosen product, by viewing the list of ingredients and the nutritional table on the back of the package.

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