Nutrition of the Turkish Angora Cat: foods, quantity and frequency

Nutrition of the Turkish Angora, a healthy and balanced diet to keep this elegant breed of cat in perfect shape.

In today’s article we will go to see specifically, the feeding of the Turkish Angora, the frequency of meals and the quantities necessary for the daily requirement that this cat breed needs.

All fundamental news if you want to adopt a Turkish Angora cat that needs special attention regarding its diet.

What to feed the Turkish Angora

First of all it is necessary to know specifically which foods the Turkish Angora can benefit from and only after we will go to deal with the doses.

Let’s start from the fact that it is a huge mistake to think that cats all feed in the same way and in the same quantities.

Each breed has different characteristics that can lead to equally different needs.

Therefore, before embarking on the adoption of a particular breed, it will be necessary to inquire about the particular needs of the breed that you have chosen.

Therefore, if you have decided to choose a cat of this breed, in this article you will find out what is the feeding of the Turkish Angora and what doses and how often to feed it.

The diet of the Turkish Angora, like that of all cats, is mainly based on proteins of animal origin, however proteins of vegetable origin, carbohydrates and fats are also included.

The important thing is that it is a complete and balanced diet.

Of course, the products on the market are valid as well as meals prepared at home, making sure that the diet administered contains the following nutritional values:

  • Animal proteins make up the majority of the cat’s diet (at least 26% for adult animals, at least 30% for kittens) are basic as they are useful for the formation and maintenance of muscles, other tissues, blood but also for the regeneration and conservation of body cells and tissues;
  • the amount of fat in the feed does not exceed 10%. However, they are a source of necessary energy and are mainly responsible for the transport of substances in the body as well as for the support and development of the joints and the nervous system.

For those who have the time and the opportunity to prepare meals at home, at their own Turkish Angora, they can use the following foods:

  • lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef);
  • fish (salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel);
  • offal (liver, lungs, heart, stomach, etc.);
  • fermented milk products, probiotics;
  • fresh fruit and vegetables;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements (including fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on the skin).

Using fresh and quality products it will not be difficult to develop delicious recipes for cats.

Reminding us that nutrient deficiency greatly affects the healthy development of the joints. On the contrary, an overfeeding could lead to the cat being overweight.

Nutrition of the Turkish Angora: doses and frequency of meals

There are some breeds such as the Turkish Angora which unfortunately, being a little more lazy and sedentary, have a tendency to put on weight.

Each cat breed needs an individual feeding plan, based on the pet’s needs and also on its activities.

Therefore, some fundamental factors will have to be taken into consideration in order to have a precise picture of how much and what Turkish Angora needs at a nutritional level.

The factors to be observed in order to bring a healthy and balanced diet to your Turkish Angora are the following:

  • age (young / old);
  • lifestyle (lazy / athletic );
  • health conditions of the cat;
  • gender (male / female).

Taking these factors into consideration, it is advisable not to generalize, as each cat has its own life and consequently its own attitudes.

Although in the case of the Turkish Angora it is a rather lazy cat that tends to consume few calories.

For this reason, in order to prevent it from gaining weight, experts recommend administering between 100 and 200 mg of food per day. Meals will be divided into morning and evening.

However, if the cat were to ask for more food, it would be better not to add but to divide the two into several daily doses.

Giving an excessive amount of food to your Turkish Angora will not make it happy but its downfall, as the backbone of this breed, being thin, would not support the extra pounds.

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