Nutrition of the Skookum Cat: food, quantity and frequency of meals

What nutrients cannot be missing to ensure that our Skookum’s diet is healthy and balanced? Let’s find out together.

Carefully planning the diet of our four-legged is essential to ensure the well-being of the furry dog. That’s why we should know all the information available on the perfect Skookum nutrition, from the ideal amount of baby food to the frequency of meals.

Feeding the Skookum cat: doses and frequency of meals

What is the ideal amount of food to give to our four-legged friend, which allows us to satisfy his energy needs and, at the same time, prevent him from accumulating excess weight?

This is a question that is not easy to answer. In fact, to identify the ideal dose of baby food it would be advisable to resort to the help of the veterinarian.

The professional, based on a series of considerations relating to the age, health and lifestyle of the animal, will formulate the perfect food plan for the pet.

In principle, the Skookum’s diet should be based on the intake of 30 grams of wet food for every kilo of the animal’s body weight.

After calculating this figure, we can divide it by 3 to find the perfect dry dose for the cat.

How often should you feed the cat? Generally, it is recommended to do this twice a day, morning and evening.

Alternatively, we can give the feline regular snacks, in order to keep his energy level constant.

What to feed the cat

Cats are obligate carnivores. This means that the nutrition of the Skookum, as well as that of other felines, cannot be based on leftovers from our table.

These animals should mainly consume proteins of animal origin, which are essential to guarantee their health and well-being.

From foods such as chicken, beef, turkey, tuna and salmon, in fact, cats assimilate essential nutrients, which their body is unable to produce independently.

For this, the Skookum must introduce them through the diet. Among these essential substances are niacin, thiamin and cobalamin.

Their functions? Really numerous: from the regulation of metabolism to the correct functioning of the nervous system.

Home or industrial nutrition for Skookum?

What is the best nutrition for Skookum?

We can decide between two options: the first is to prepare the meals to be given to the cat by ourselves; the second, on the other hand, requires the cat to eat ready-made feed, purchased directly from the shelves of pet shops.

In reality, there is no a priori best way: it all depends on our needs in terms of time and energy.

In fact, home nutrition requires that we take care of every single stage of preparation of the animal’s baby food, from the purchase of raw materials to their cooking.

If this, on the one hand, allows us to take care of every aspect of the feline’s diet in detail, selecting quality ingredients and healthy cooking methods, on the other hand a veterinary consultation is essential.

An incorrect home diet, in fact, could determine the onset of nutritional deficiencies in the cat. 

The industrial diet, on the other hand, proves to be a good compromise between health and time savings.

In this case, however, it is essential to carefully examine the nutritional table on the back of the package, to make sure that the chosen feed is nutritious and of quality.

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