Nutrition of the Selkirk Rex Cat: food, quantity and frequency of meals

What foods can not miss in the perfect diet for the Selkirk Rex? Here is all the information you need to know about it.

Planning a healthy and balanced diet for your pet is essential for his life to be long and peaceful. Let’s explore everything there is to know about Selkirk Rex’s ideal nutrition: from essential nutrients for this kitty to recommended daily amounts of baby food.

Nutrition of the Selkirk Rex: food, doses, frequency of meals

How much and when to feed the cat?

The veterinarian should determine the correct doses for daily feeding of the Selkirk Rex.

In fact, the intake of a certain amount of calories should depend on strictly individual factors, such as the cat’s age, health conditions and lifestyle.

In general, the recommended amount of wet food is 40 grams for each kilo of the animal’s body weight.

The figure will then be divided by 3, in order to obtain the dose of kibble.

What is the ideal time of day to feed the Selkirk Rex?

It is advisable to do this in the morning and in the evening, or, alternatively, to divide his ration into small snacks, to be given during the day.

In this way, the energy level of the four-legged will remain constant.

What to feed the Selkirk Rex

What foods can not miss in the perfect diet of the Selkirk Rex?

Green light for meat and fish. The specimens of this breed, in fact, like all the other companions of their own species, are obligate carnivores.

This means that they need proteins of animal origin from which they can draw essential nutrients for their well-being and the proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems.

Among these, for example, niacin and cobalamin cannot be missing.

To complete the nutrients that the feline should take there are vitamins, minerals and, in small quantities, fats and carbohydrates.

Home or industrial nutrition for the Selkirk Rex?

Finally, we just have to answer one last question: is it preferable to prefer an industrial or home diet for Selkirk Rex?

In general, in both cases, these are two good options.

The choice, therefore, will depend on a series of factors such as time, desire and energy available.

We must not forget, in fact, that the home diet involves the complete preparation of meals for the cat, from the selection of ingredients to their cooking.

For this reason, it is a long and demanding process, which not everyone can dedicate themselves to.

Not to mention that, if not properly planned, this way of feeding the cat could cause the onset of pathologies and food shortages.

For this, it is essential to contact the veterinarian. In the case of industrial food, on the other hand, it will be sufficient to administer ready-made feed to the four-legged, available in specialized shops.

In this case, it is essential to read the nutritional table on the back of the package, to make sure of the quality and goodness of the product.

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