Nutrition of the Manx Cat: food, quantity and frequency of meals

Here’s everything you need to know about the perfect diet for Manx: the tastiest and most nutritious foods to keep him healthy.

Worrying about the quality of the foods we give to our little dog is the first way to ensure that his life is long, peaceful and healthy. Let’s find out the information you need to know to plan a truly perfect diet for our beloved Manx.

Manx feeding: quantity and frequency of meals

To plan a truly perfect diet for the Manx, it is essential to know when to feed him and in what quantity.

The specimens of this breed are predisposed to the accumulation of excess weight. For this reason, it is essential to identify doses that are able to satisfy them from a nutritional point of view, providing them with the energy they need to face the day, without risking obesity in the cat.

The ideal would be to ask the veterinarian for advice, to formulate together a food plan that takes into account the cat’s lifestyle, its age and its health conditions.

In general, the amount of wet for the four legs should be equal to 40 grams for each kg of weight of the animal.

To obtain the dry dose, however, simply divide the figure obtained by 3. When to feed your furry friend? Generally, it is recommended to do this twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

If the cat prefers to make small snacks throughout the day, you can divide his daily ration into doses to be administered periodically or take advantage of a practical automatic kibble dispenser.

What to feed the Manx

Finally, we just have to find out which foods are included in the ideal diet of the Manx cat.

The diet of domestic cats must be mainly based on the intake of proteins of animal origin. After all, these are obligate carnivores. So, green light for meat, especially chicken, rabbit, turkey and beef.

Fish can also be fed to the cat, albeit less frequently than meat. Among the most suitable foods are sea bass, anchovies and salmon.

These foods, in fact, contain a series of essential nutrients for the animal’s well-being, which the cat’s body cannot produce by itself and needs to be introduced through the diet. These include, for example, niacin and cobalamin.

Depending on your preferences, you can opt for the home feeding of your Manx, or for the administration of prepackaged products.

In the first case, you will be in charge of buying and cooking the ingredients for your pet. The intervention of the veterinarian is fundamental, who will be able to indicate adequate foods and doses so that no nutritional deficiencies occur in the cat.

In the second case, it is essential to read the nutritional table on the back of the packs, to make sure that the foods are balanced, complete and of quality.

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