Nutrition of the Korean Bobtail Cat: food, quantity, frequency of meals

Here’s how to plan the perfect nutrition for our Korean Bobtail: let’s find out all about essential nutrients, quantities and feline tastes.

Providing our four-legged friend with healthy and balanced food is essential to ensure that the furry dog ​​is always strong and healthy. What to know about the ideal nutrition of the Koran Bobtail? Let’s understand together how to best plan it.

Nutrition of the Korean Bobtail: doses and frequency of meals

Among the aspects to consider in order to identify the perfect diet for our Korean Bobtail is that concerning the quantities of food to be administered to the cat.

In general, the dose of wet food should be equal to 40 grams for every kg of body weight of the cat.

To find the quantity of croquettes, simply divide the figure obtained by 3.

The best advice, however, is to contact your vet. The professional will evaluate the ideal feed doses based on a series of strictly individual parameters, such as the cat’s age, health, weight and lifestyle.

How often should I feed the Korean Bobtail? You can opt for two alternatives. In the first case, we will be able to feed it twice a day, preferably in the morning and in the evening.

In the second, however, we will be able to divide his daily ration into small snacks, to be given to him throughout the day.

What to feed the cat

What foods can not miss in the ideal diet of the Korean Bobtail?

Being carnivorous animals, just like all the other specimens of their own species, it is essential that the diet of these furry animals is mainly based on the supply of meat and fish.

Green light for chicken, beef, rabbit, salmon and tuna. From these foods, in fact, the cat draws fundamental substances for his well-being, which his body is not able to synthesize by itself.

This list includes essential nutrients such as niacin, thiamin and cobalamin, whose proper functioning is essential for the health of the nervous and immune systems.

Home or industrial nutrition for the Korean Bobtail?

Finally, we just have to answer one last question: is it better a home or industrial diet for the Korean Bobtail?

In reality, if well planned, they are the same. The criterion of choice, therefore, should be based on our needs.

We must not forget, in fact, that with the home diet we will be preparing the meals for our four-legged friend, taking care of every phase, from the purchase of the ingredients to their cooking.

It is a longer and more demanding method of preparation, but it allows us to select quality raw materials for our cat, as well as follow each stage of preparation of the food intended for him.

In any case, it is essential that home feeding is planned by the vet.

Otherwise, the risk is that an unbalanced diet could cause nutritional deficiencies in the cat.

To find out what are the common diseases in the Korean Bobtail see this article.

Alternatively, we can give the cat ready-made feed, buying them directly from the supermarket shelves.

In this case, it is essential to make sure of the goodness of the selected products, by looking at the nutritional table on the back of the package.

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