Nutrition of the Khao Manee Cat: foods, quantity and frequency of meals

Nutrition of the Khao Manee, how to keep this athletic and muscular cat breed in shape with adequate nutrition.

The diet of the Khao Manee, the most suitable foods, the frequency of pastries and the quantities necessary for the daily requirement of this breed of cat with white hair and fascinating eyes.

So let’s see what the Khao Manee diet consists of and how to satisfy the hunger and gluttony of this cat, without ever exceeding.

What to feed at Khao Manee

Before adopting a cat, learning its habits and food needs is an act of love and responsibility towards the animal.

To offer our furry friend a balanced, peaceful and healthy life, it is necessary to inquire about which foods he can benefit from.

In the case of Khao Manee, it is important to establish not only which foods but also the frequency and doses necessary for its needs.

Thinking that cats eat all the same products, in the same doses, with the same frequency is totally wrong.

Each cat breed has different characteristics and consequently different needs. The cat breed, however, is not the only parameter to consider when it comes to nutrition.

There are other concepts that help you determine the ideal diet for your cat. In fact, the criteria necessary to establish the power of the Khao Manee, in this case are:

  • lifestyle (lazy / athletic);
  • health conditions of the cat ;
  • age (young / old);
  • gender (male / female).

Even if we are based on these factors, it is clear that at the base of the diet of every cat, there must be proteins of animal origin and partly also vegetable proteins.

Only after having fully satisfied this percentage it is possible to add carbohydrates and fats.

In general, in order to ensure a complete and balanced diet, Khao Manee can be given dry cat food, easily available in specific pet stores.

It is a very simple product to buy and administer, as it is enclosed in bags distinct for the cat’s size and age range.

They contain the following nutritional values:

  • proteins: basic as they are useful for the formation and maintenance of muscles, other tissues, blood but also for the regeneration and conservation of body cells and tissues.
  • fats: they are a source of necessary energy and are mainly responsible for the transport of substances in the body as well as for the support and development of the joints and the nervous system;
  • carbohydrates: they are an immediate source of energy to face a sudden effort such as a run, a chase, an escape, a sudden stress etc.
  • minerals: they are essential for the development and maintenance of tissues;
  • vitamins: they are useful for keeping the immune system strong and healthy. However, it is necessary, however, to make an appropriate use, perhaps by contacting the veterinarian.

Values ​​that are obtained from foods such as lean meats, lean fish (salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel), offal (liver, lungs, heart, stomach, etc.), fresh fruit and vegetables.

All foods certainly very nutritious but the fact remains that it is possible to feed the Khao Manee, simply by providing yourself to compose delicious recipes for DIY cats, with fresh and genuine products.

Nutrition of the Khao Manee: doses and frequency of meals

The Khao Manee is a medium-sized cat that is muscular and active but not that much, so its diet will have to take into account its lifestyle.

The Khao Manee is a slender and lively but somewhat lazy cat. It has a healthy and healthy body, its weight varies from 3 to 5 kg.

Obviously the excess half kilo is allowed but it is necessary to check that it does not exceed in weight, so as to be able to burden the bones.

The Khao Manee, however active, has a tendency to laze in the warmth next to his master and this does not allow him to dispose of food, which is why, in particular in the winter season, meals must be well divided, in more and small portions.

In fact, it is generally necessary to prefer two or more meals to be divided over the course of the day and juggle the quantities, according to the lifestyle and type of day of the cat.

It is important that the cat is never given too much or too little food, mistaking the quantities can only create disturbances to the animal’s health.

Cat BreedsCat Food and Nutrition
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