Nutrition of the Devon Rex: foods, quantity and frequency

What is the correct nutrition of the Devon Rex? Let’s see together the most suitable and healthy foods for this splendid feline to eat.

To take better care of your four-legged friend, it is essential to give him healthy and nutritious food regularly. Let’s find out what is the best diet for the Devon Rex, the correct frequency of meals and the right portions of food based on its size and lifestyle.

Nutrition of the Devon Rex: what this breed eats

What are the best foods to feed to your four-legged friend?

Just like all domestic felines, the Devon Rex is a carnivore: for this reason, its diet must be based mainly on a satisfactory intake of proteins of animal origin.

Particularly important is the quality of the food with which to feed the cat. In this regard, you can opt for two alternatives:

  • BARF diet, or biologically appropriate raw food. This type of diet, in fact, provides for the administration of raw meat. Its advantages consist in a greater digestibility of food and in an almost total assimilation of nutrients;
  • High quality industrial feed. To make sure that the chosen food contains all the essential nutrients for the well-being of your four-legged friend, at the time of purchase it is essential to check its composition, indicated on the back of the package. In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to the percentage of magnesium contained in the feed: if taken in excessive doses, in fact, this substance increases the risk of the onset of kidney stones in cats.

Regardless of the type of diet chosen for your Devon Rex, it is essential to make sure that these nutrients are present in the animal’s diet:

  • Proteins
  • Grassi
  • Carbohydrates
  • Taurine
  • Mineral salts
  • Vitamine A, B e D
  • Water

Frequency and quantity of meals

Proper nutrition also involves the method of feeding the food: let’s find out the frequency and doses of the Devon Dex meals.

The specimens of this breed have a long-limbed and tapered build; for this reason, they hardly tend to gain weight. In any case, attention must also be paid to the quantities of food to be administered to the Devon Rex.

In fact, it is a cat with a higher temperature and accelerated metabolic processes than other cats. Therefore, this four-legged needs large quantities of feed, in relation to its weight.

Being predisposed to the onset of intestinal diseases, it is essential that the Devon Rex is fed at 3 hour intervals. In particular, during the cold season it is important that the animal always has dry food available.

In this case, you can opt for the use of an automatic kibble dispenser. In this way, every time the animal feels the stimulus of hunger, it will activate it in a completely automatic way, without the need for our intervention.

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