Nutrition of the British Shorthair Cat: food, quantity and frequency of meals

Are you wondering what is the ideal diet for the British Shorthair? Let’s find out what to feed this breed to keep it healthy.

Planning a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet is the first and fundamental step to ensure that the life of our British Shorthair is long and peaceful. Let’s see together the most suitable meals for this breed, the quantities and the frequency with which to feed our four-legged friend.

Nutrition of the British Shorthair: doses and frequency of meals

How often is it recommended to feed your cat? What are the ideal quantities? Here’s everything you need to know about the perfect British Shorthair diet.

In general, as regards the doses, it is recommended to administer between 100 and 200 mg of food per day. The precise amount depends on a number of factors related to the cat’s age, gender, lifestyle, and health condition.

Be careful not to overdo it! Given his laziness and his tendency to accumulate weight, in fact, the risk of obesity for the British Shorthair is just around the corner.

How often should you feed the cat? Generally, it is recommended to feed it twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

If your cat suffers from digestive problems, however, you can divide his daily ration into small snacks, to be given throughout the day. In this way, he will also be able to make better use of his energies.

What to feed this breed

Which foods to introduce and which to avoid in the perfect diet for the British Shorthair?

Just like all other felines, the specimens of this breed are carnivores. For this, the ideal diet must mainly include proteins of animal origin.

The other essential nutrients for cats are, to a lesser extent: vegetable proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Finally, it is important that its diet is rich in mineral salts, vitamins and water.

Depending on our preferences, we will be able to choose a nutritional plan based on industrial feed or on homemade preparations. In both cases, it will be essential to ensure the quality and freshness of the food chosen.

If you opt for the first alternative, it is advisable to choose special size kibbles, specially made to stimulate chewing and facilitate their intake by a short-jawed cat like the British Shorthair.

Finally, a supply of taurine and glucosamine is essential to prevent cardiomyopathy and joint diseases.

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