Nutrition of LaPerm Cat: quantity, foods and adequate meal frequency

Feeding the LaPerm, all the right foods, in the right doses and at the right times to feed this wonderful breed of cat.

In today’s article we will deal with giving you the appropriate information regarding the power supply of LaPerm.

Let’s talk about the  frequency of meals and the quantities necessary for the daily requirement of this curly and nice breed of cat.

The LaPerm, as we mentioned earlier, has a particular characteristic concerning its coat.

It has a particularly soft coat and a more or less thick undercoat, depending on the variety of the cat, whether it is short-haired or semi-long-haired.

The peculiarity of this hair is that it stands out for its elasticity, softness and lightness.

All this, however, involves nutritional needs, different from those of other cats, obviously to ensure the health and uniqueness of its coat.

Let’s find out what the LaPerm diet is, what can be given to this cat breed to keep it healthy and offer it the opportunity for a healthy and long-lived life.

What to feed the LaPerm

As we mentioned earlier, each cat breed has different physical characteristics that can lead to equally different dietary needs.

It does not matter if commercially available industrial products are used or if tasty homemade cat recipes are prepared at home.

The important thing is that nutritional values, the quality of fresh products and good hygiene in preparation are respected.

It is essential that in LaPerm meals there are animal proteins, as well as minerals and vitamins, that is: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium and chlorine and vitamins such as iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc and selenium, vitamin E, C, D, and K. It is necessary, however, to make an appropriate use, perhaps by contacting the veterinarian.

The foods to be used for any recipes for cats are: chicken, turkey, beef, salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel, fresh fruit and vegetables, fermented milk products, probiotics.

Without excluding foods such as offal, liver and musclesrich in essential nutrients for the animal’s well-being, including:

  • Taurine;
  • Thiamine;
  • Niacin;
  • Vitamin B12 for the cat.

While as regards the fat it must not exceed 10%.

Nutrition of LaPerm: doses and frequency of meals

Regarding the doses and the frequency of meals, everything is established on the basis of basic factors. Let’s see what these factors and in relation to them what the portions can be.

The factors we were talking about are: age, lifestyle, general health and gender.

With regard to these elements to consider, the LaPerm cat who has a rather lively nature but with a tendency to gain weight is essential to know how to transform food into energy.

As for the frequency of meals, it varies according to age:

  • from 8 weeks to 6 months: 3 and 4 servings a day from 30 to 40 grams each;
  • After 6 months: it is possible to reduce the number of meals to 2 per day from 250 and 450 grams of food each;
  • 1 year: one meal a day, the cat switches from puppy food to adult food. It may be appropriate to divide the portion into two in the morning and in the evening of 250 and 450 grams of food each.
  • From 7 years of age it is generally considered an elderly cat. It will be time to change his maintenance diet to one that meets his new needs.

Without forgetting that water is also fundamental in a cat’s life and it is necessary to leave a fountain with fresh water, always available.

Remember that a healthy cat on a balanced diet does not need to take any cat food  supplements.

Cat BreedsCat Food and Nutrition
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