Nutrition of Lambkin Cat: food, quantity, frequency of meals

Here are the nutrients that cannot be missing in the perfect Lambkin diet: from ideal quantities to the frequency of meals.

To make sure that the life of our four-legged friend is long and peaceful, it is essential to plan a balanced, complete and balanced diet for him. Let’s find out everything there is to know about the nutrition of Lambkin, so that it can fully satisfy the nutritional needs of our furry dog, without the risk of overweight and other diseases.

Quantity and frequency of meals

To ensure that our Lambkin’s diet is truly perfect, it is essential to answer an important question: how much food should the cat take daily?

This is a question we should ask the vet.

Each cat, in fact, differs from the others for a series of factors such as age, sex, lifestyle and state of health, which affect the considerations related to its diet.

As a general rule, the dose of wet food to be given to the pet should not exceed 40 grams for each kg of the animal’s body weight.

To obtain the dry quantity, it will be necessary to divide the figure obtained from the previous multiplication by 3.

How often should you feed the cat? It is recommended to do this twice a day, morning and evening.

Alternatively, to keep the cat’s energy levels constant, we can decide to divide his daily ration of baby food into small snacks, to be given during the day.

What to feed the cat

What foods can not miss in the Lambkin diet?

First of all, proteins of animal origin: green light for meat and fish, which contain essential nutrients that the animal’s body is unable to produce itself.

These are vitamins such as cobalamin and niacin, which take part in numerous and important metabolic processes and are essential for the health of the cat’s nervous system.

The foods to be preferred? Chicken, beef, rabbit, cod, tuna, salmon and so on.

Of course, the cat’s diet to be varied and balanced must also contain small percentages of fats and carbohydrates, as well as water and mineral salts.

Lambkin nutrition: industrial or home?

Finally, we just have to clarify one last and important point to identify the truly perfect nutrition for our Lambkin.

Should we prefer a diet based on the administration of prepackaged foods, or prepared directly with our hands?

In the first case, it will be enough to buy croquettes and moist directly from the shelves of specialized stores. However, it is essential to carefully look at the back of the package to check the quality of the feed composition.

Alternatively, with home cooking we will be the ones to select and cook the ingredients for our Lambkin.

It is a method that allows us to choose the best and freshest raw materials, but it requires more time and effort for its realization.

Not only that: it should always be planned by a veterinarian, because the risk of food shortages harmful to the cat’s health is real if you do not resort to the help of an expert.

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