Neutering a dog: the pros and cons according to experts

When it comes to spaying a dog, there are a number of pros and cons to consider.

Having a pet by our side has many benefits, but it also comes with a number of responsibilities. The decision to spay a dog, which is not to be taken lightly, is one of them. Today we will talk about the pros and cons of spaying a dog.

What does it mean to spay a dog and how to do it

Although it is a widely used technique, it is worth remembering what sterilization is. The end result of spaying a dog is infertility, that is, the loss of the ability to bear offspring. Today sterilization is performed through two types of procedures. The first is based on the administration of hormones and other substances that tend to have a less lasting effect.

The second is a definitive approach. It is a surgery that removes the sexual organs. With this method, in addition to the loss of fertility, the production and quantity of sex hormones decreases . This has effects on the behavior of the animals that make “unwanted” behaviors less frequent.

The decision to spay your pet has several advantages. However, although it is a procedure that must be carried out in a strictly professional way, there are some aspects that experts recommend that you consider.

Benefits of Spaying a Dog

If we think globally, this type of intervention would allow to control the overpopulation of stray and domestic animals. Among other things, population control would also allow many dogs to be adopted .

As we said earlier, spaying your dog is a wise decision that will bring a variety of physical and mental benefits to your pet. One of the most important aspects concerns the incidence of tumors and other infections. The incidence of testicular tumors in males and mammary tumors in females has been found to be lower in sterilized animals.

Furthermore, it has been noted that there is a close relationship between neutering and dog behavior. The types of behaviors that can improve are related to sex hormones. It has been seen that aggression among males and psychological pregnancies in females are less frequent, as is the marking of the territory with urine or the heat of females.

However, the behavior that our dog has learned through his education and which also depends on his genetics will not change. Thinking that the dog changes its behavior due to neutering is a misconception. Yes, the dog will be calmer, but only with regards to sexual behavior.

Are there any drawbacks?

As with all operations and treatments, zero risk does not exist. Therefore, experts warn us that inconveniences can occur when sterilizing a dog. However, they can be limited if sterilization is done responsibly by professionals.

One of the first drawbacks can relate to surgery. Although the risk is minimal, complications related to the operation itself or to the use of anesthesia may occur during the operation .

In addition, health problems resulting from sterilization may appear after the operation. One of the most common is the alteration of the proper functioning of the thyroid which can cause other symptoms in the animal.

You may also notice that your dog has more appetite and tends to put on weight . However, today there are specific foods for sterilized dogs. Also, if you get your dog to exercise, there should be no problem.

There may be other inconveniences resulting from surgery, but they are less frequent. The important thing is to know that deciding to spay your dog is a good decision, as long as the procedure is entrusted to professionals.

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