Natural supplements for cats: which ones are the best

Natural supplements for cats, those substances and products that enrich and complete the nutrition of our animal. But how to choose the best and most suitable ones for him? Let’s find out together.

The feline’s diet should always be correct and balanced, to respect its particular needs. The diet of the cat, a carnivorous animal, is mainly based on the intake of meat proteins, but it must also consist of vegetables and some cheese, together with the fibers and mineral salts of the fruit. Often, however, the furry needs more help to complete their nutrition and be supported: we are talking about food supplementation. Let’s see what are the natural supplements for cats and what their benefits consist of.

Natural supplements for cats: this is what they need

Sometimes, our kitty needs extra support in its feeding. Then, natural substances that are very useful for your well-being come into play. Let’s see them together.

As for us humans, cats may also need to supplement their diet, to have greater benefits that the daily doses of food cannot provide. For food supplements we mean those products based on absolutely natural substances, consisting of combined nutrients in tablets, tablets or capsules. Before moving on to using these products, you can still try to integrate with other foods that you can easily have in the kitchen. Let’s see which ones are suitable for him.

Among the natural supplements for cats, we immediately find brewer’s yeast. It is an excellent complex of vitamins, important substances that protect its immune system and allow the animal to live well and healthy. Brewer’s yeast, of vegetable origin, is very rich in proteins and minerals. This product is suitable for the furry person with a weakened immune system, which needs to be strengthened. There is also a brewer’s yeast with taurine, very useful for your body.

Then we have fish oil. We are talking about one of the most popular natural supplements for cats. In fact, the feline really appreciates it and it is another essential substance to help its immune system: fish oil reduces inflammation in the cat, protects its heart and can also improve its fertility. This oil is appreciated for its high content of Omega 3 fatty acids. In particular, it is recommended to supplement with salmon oil, rich in many beneficial properties for him.

Other great natural supplements

Another useful substance for cats is taurine. Taurine is one of the essential amino acids for animal health. This, in fact, improves the functions of the heart, protects the eyesight and the digestive system of the cat . It is important to know that this substance can also be found in some foods, such as in the testicles and heart of the cow and in the muscle of the chicken. Olive oil is also a powerful food supplement for cats: antioxidant rich in good fats and Omega 3, it fights constipation in cats.

There is also a substance found in the cat’s joints: glucosamine. This substance is made up of sugars and amino acids and protects the joints from the impacts of natural movements in the feline. Glucosamine also produces cartilage, an essential protein for the cat. It is a particularly suitable nutrient in case of arthritis in cats. Important for its metabolism is coconut oil, an antioxidant rich in Omega 3. Garlic is another useful food for the furry: it protects the cardiovascular system and is also a natural pesticide for the cat.

If the feline is deficient in Vitamin A, the liver is the most suitable food for this purpose. Be careful, however, not to overdo the doses as it can cause intoxication in the cat. Finally, among the natural supplements for cats, we find probiotics: these contain microorganisms that are useful in bringing balance to the intestine; usually, they are given in case of diarrhea in cats.

Kitty and supplements: when and how to use them

How can supplements be used in the nutrition of our dog? Let’s see together what we need to know about the administration of these substances.

We have seen the characteristics and properties of natural supplements for the feline. We must know, however, that a common mistake is to replace healthy and beneficial foods for the animal directly with these supplements. You can change and vary your cat’s diet, trying different foods but containing the substance that your cat needs. If the appropriate changes to the diet are not enough, then you can proceed with the integration of these products. A first rule to always follow is to always consult your veterinarian first, to fully understand the needs of the animal.

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