Manx Cat care: hair brushing, bathing, cleaning, nail trimming

How to best take care of Manx? Here is everything you need to know about the hygiene and cleanliness of the specimens of this breed.

Taking care of the cleaning of our furry cat ​​is essential to ensure that the cat stays strong and healthy. Let’s find out how to take care of the Manx, including tips on cat hygiene, information on brushing the coat and beauty tips.

Manx coat care: brushing and bathing

Taking care of the Manx’s coat is not demanding. In fact, the specimens of this breed tend to shed little hair.

For this, it is sufficient to brush them 2-3 times a week, increasing the frequency during periods of hair shedding.

This is a fundamental operation, which allows us to eliminate the layer of dead hair, as well as undo any knots and avoid the formation of boluses in the cat’s stomach.

Furthermore, while brushing the cat we have the opportunity to inspect its skin, looking for the presence of any parasite infestations.

The ideal tool to use is a brush with soft and short bristles, with which to brush the coat both in the direction in which the hair grows and against the hair.

To help make your cat’s coat shiny and soft, it is essential to take care of its diet.

Bathing the cat yes or no? Basically there is no need: felines are extremely clean animals and attentive to their hygiene.

In some situations, however, they may need a “paw”. In particular, if it is an elderly cat or who has just returned from a long illness.

In this case, it is essential to use specific products for the cat’s skin, make sure the water is lukewarm and completely dry the cat once the operation is finished.

Cleaning of eyes, ears, teeth and nails

Finally, we just have to find out how to take care of the Manx’s eyes, ears, teeth and nails.

Regularly inspecting your cat’s eyes and ears is recommended to detect and remove any deposits and build-up of secretion.

To eliminate them, just use a gauze slightly moistened in hot water, with which to massage the cat’s ears and eyes.

Manx oral hygiene care is essential to avoid the onset of diseases such as gingivitis and stomatitis.

For this, it is necessary to remove tartar and plaque from the feline’s teeth. How to do? You can use a toothbrush and toothpaste for the cat, or sanitizing spreads to be distributed on the teeth.

Is cutting a cat’s nails a good idea? It is not always a necessary and recommendable operation.

In fact, if our four-legged friend is young and active, he will regularly sharpen his claws by himself. On the contrary, in the case of an elderly, lazy and sedentary lifestyle specimen, it will be necessary to intervene by clipping the nails.

How to do? Using a special nail clipper and removing only the non-vascularized part of the claw, which is lighter.

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