Malt paste for cats: when to use it and why

Our cat can have digestive problems caused by the excess hair swallowed during grooming. A good remedy is malt paste for cats. Here’s what to know about it!

Our cat, as we know, spends a lot of time every day cleaning himself, but this can create some problems for him. The malt paste is a good remedy to help the cat against this quite common ailment. Here is a brief guide to understand when it is necessary to give it to the cat, in what quantity and how to do it if the cat… does not cooperate.

Cleaning the cat

Licking and grooming for several hours of the day is one of the typical cat habits. Cleaning, almost compulsive, is an instinct that the domestic cat has kept in its DNA, transmitted by its ancestors who lived in the wild.

The reason? Continuous cleaning helped the cat to eliminate the smell of urine, in order not to be detectable by its predators. Today the cat has become our little parlor tiger, but it hasn’t lost this habit. However, this can sometimes create minor problems for him.

If the cat vomits

You have most likely seen the cat throwing up real hairballs and you are worried. It is a rather frequent ailment in cats: licking every day for a long time it is normal that with the passage of time hairballs can accumulate inside the body.

If the cat has small amounts of fur orally expelled and does not show any other discomfort, don’t worry, the situation is under control. But if the hair reaches the stomach or intestines, and the digestive process is not carried out correctly, it could have problems: from indigestion to constipation, to loss of appetite.

A valid solution is the malt paste for cats. What is it about? Let’s find out together.

What is malted paste

Malt paste is a product with a very dense consistency, dark brown in color, usually sold in “toothpaste tube” format. Well, this food facilitates the cat’s digestion, favoring the passage of hairballs through the entire digestive system of the animal, until expulsion through the faeces.

How to give malt paste to the cat?

The answer to this question is not unique, because various situations could arise. Let’s see them together:

  • When your cat likes malt paste: let’s talk about the best hypothesis that could happen to you. Your cat likes the food so all you have to do is… feed it. In short, you were lucky;
  • Watch out for the brand: if your cat does not eat malted paste, before moving on to other methods, ask yourself if you have bought the right brand for him, also based on his tastes, which obviously only you know. Buying another brand of malt paste you could magically solve all the problems;
  • Mix it in food: if your cat doesn’t like malted paste, you can try putting it in his baby food. Malted paste is very dense, so you will find it hard to mix it properly with your meal, and the trick may not work;
  • Put the malt paste on a paw: if your cat is not particularly enthusiastic about the product, it will tend to clean itself if you put it on its body (the paw is ideal), obviously licking itself. Thus you will have achieved your goal.

Some useful advice

Here is a series of tips to always keep in mind:

  • Prevention is better than cure: Regularly brushing the cat’s fur will help prevent this type of problem, being able to do without malt paste;
  • Cat grass: among the various benefits of this product particularly loved among cats is that of helping the cat to expel hairballs through vomiting, preventing them from continuing to run in his digestive system;
  • Short-haired and long-haired cat: this is also a very important difference. The long-haired cat will have more problems. In this case, where malted paste is used, it must be given it at least 4 times a week. For the short-haired cat, the frequency is halved;
  • The quantity: just a little malt paste on the established days. In short, a small ball.

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