Longhair Munchkin Cat health: Common diseases of this breed

Knowing the common diseases of the Munchkin Longhair is essential to protect the health of our furry cat: here is the list of frequent diseases.

Taking care of the well-being of your four-legged friend is the first way to ensure that his life is long and peaceful by our side. What are the common diseases of the Munchkin Longhair? Let’s find out the complete list together to understand how to identify and treat them promptly.

Common diseases of the Munchkin Longhair: the complete list

Generally, specimens of this breed are long-lived and in good health.

Their average lifespan is between 13 and 20 years. However, there are a number of common diseases in Munchkin Longhair, which include:

  • Pectus Excavatum
  • Genetic lordosis
  • Achondroplasia

Among the other common diseases in cats that the cat can contract are allergies, dermatitis and skin irritations.

For this, it is essential to take better care of the Munchkin Longhair. To find out how, see this article.

Pectus Excavatum

Among the common diseases of Munchkin Longhair is pectus excavatum.It is a malformation of the breastbone, which causes the cat’s chest wall to be crushed. This congenital anomaly can cause cardiovascular and pulmonary disorders.

Among the symptoms of pectus excavatum are:

  • Dyspnea
  • Mucous membranes of bluish color
  • Cyanosis
  • Weight loss
  • Lack of appetite
  • He retched
  • Weakness

In severe cases, the cat may need to undergo corrective surgery. This is a complex operation, which involves the execution of several phases.

The advice is to operate the animal around 3-4 months of life, when the vertebrae of the sternum are still malleable.

Genetic lordosis

Genetic lordosis is one of the common diseases of the Munchkin Longhair.

It is a pathology that tilts the curves of the spinal column in an anomalous way.

In fact, it appears sunken, while the pelvis is tilted back and the back of the cat appears curved.


Finally, achondroplasia closes the list of common diseases in Munchkin Longhair.

Also known as feline dwarfism, this is a hereditary condition. Affected cats have short legs that are disproportionate to the normal size of the rest of the body.

In the homozygous form, the dominant gene for the onset of this condition is lethal. In fact, it develops non-viable embryos, which do not develop in the womb.

In the heterozygous form, on the other hand, short-legged felines develop, whose dimensions can reach about 5 cm.

In any case, the presence of this disorder generally does not cause damage or compromise the proverbial feline agility of these animals.

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